Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss contains its own seed, it’s own lesson, it’s own experience. Being able to live through it we gain an understanding of being unbreakable.
Today I went to the grocery store with my “oh so lovely” mother. I thought going to the grocery store was suppose to be “pretty simple” you enter in, get what you need, pay for it and bring it home. NOT the case with my mother. It was the most stressful thing. I noticed with my children they didn’t even notice too much bc they were just playing around and joking with each other. The same thing I used to do at my age with my brother, which made me realize another moment of my life why I never noticed my mother’s behavior (plus when your young like that, your attention is not going to focus on every single behavior of an adult). My mom complained about every item and she would tell me to pick something up, so I did. Like for instance she says pick up a head of lettuce 🥬. So I did, placed it in the cart 🛒 and she says, no not that one, takes it out and picks up another one. I didn’t say anything. Thennnnn she says pick up a bag of potatoes 🥔. Instead of me picking up the potatoes, I said no, please, you do it bc I don’t want to pick up the wrong bag like the lettuce. Her response was an EPIC narcissistic moment, “What are you talking about I was talking to Jessica!!” (My daughter)
Folks all I could do was sighhhh and walk away to another isle. Thank goodness my phone rang and I was able to just talk and get my mind out of that “head space.