Yesterday my depression got so deep and dark again the damn hallucinations and voices got really bad again. When does this stop? Will it even stop? I have answers to make them go away.
Sucks: Yesterday my depression got so... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hey fordguy. I'm here. Did something happen yesterday to make it get worse or Thanksgiving wk if your in the US. Talk to me..
I am in us. Nothing that i can think of changed. Just sotting at my dining room table. Feeling just came frome nowhere.

I'm sorry. That's hard when you dont know what changed to bring it on. Do you have family with you today?
Would it help to think/talk of something else..? Tell me about your name fordguy. I assume you like fords..? Or maybe what would you like to do today if it was a good day, a hobby, a favorite place... only if you care to share.
Yes i have wife and kids. Name is robert. Just a mess. Maybe would be better by self.
Is it your own self talk that’s negative?
Is there anything you’ve done in the past that has helped?
Not really
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Sometimes our demons rear their ugly heads unexpectedly. Please know I am thinking of you and sending positive healing thoughts and hugs.
Thank you.
Ah, brother. I know that feels untenable. I work through shit unless my body gets immobile. Can you take good care of yourself, like you're caretaking a child? Bath, good food, hydration, rest? Sometimes, just directing myself to well actions strengthens my overall system.
Fordguy and Julian67, these are great suggestions. Looking after yourself is so good. Going for a walk, intentionally enjoying the scenery, having that coffee that you love. I found that daily exercise for two months made a significant improvement in my depression. There's a study that shows that the benefit is equal to or better than medication. I'm now doing the NHS choices Couch to 5k programme which is helping with mood and outlook. (It's part of this healtunlocked site) It uses podcasts to coach you through the early stages of running to 5k in 30 minutes. I do add that my depression has never been serious, but enough to make me anxious and miserable.
Thank you
Although I prob say similar thgs
Reading this and other passages helps more than I might Tk
Thank you
Really does suck
And it’s not
Helpful to have someone
It doesn’t
Sometimes the woods can be a great place to say do or even scream or yell at thecworld
Lightening bolts
Canngetvsome piison out and no one cares
Art can sbsorbba lot too
I love to teach people. Help them. If they want to. It is a art form. Any questions ask. Enjoy my friend. Name is rob. Take it easy.
I just knew ur a fab teacher
Not blowing my horn not my point
Yur destiny is to share yur gifts
Yes sir. If they want to learn. I have taught quite a few.
Ur worth it
Thank you.
Worth it
Just Tk. All I could learn from u about bikes
That is some way cool shit
Thk about sharing or blogging or teaching ur passions guys like me know other areas but
Hey who do u know that could teach me about bikes I’m tired of my
My broken records
Know what I mean???
Who could I find
That’s trustworthy that would be a great mentor
Man to really learn about bikes
Woooooow that’s cool shit
To this guy
I’d be so psyched if someone asked me to teach them art
Learning other stuff
Thatsmmmmmh might fine hash
And legal
Art is food to the soul but so is a person teaching u their stuff be it cokingbor bikes or or or
Sentiments k
No game k??
We all know what it’s like being bit by the rattlesnake so to speak
Who’d relate ??who can I trust?who isn’t going to judge me or chain me t the wall??scaryvtime dealing with things
We all can relate and none of us
Judge Less we be judged know what I mean
Helps us too indirectly And like the blind side movie
Got ur back man
Like being handed cancer or seizures
U got handed some lemons we help each other add sugar to lifec and turn thgs intoba lemonade stand
Do what ya gotta do what ya gotta do u got friends here
I am an artist hundred of sketches and paintings was so therapeutic for me and give them as gifts people are so astounded of my art those such as your spouse don't get it because they never walked in your shoes nor down your path my ex never got it he was blessed as a child not abused like me so they have no clue how it feels to struggle in life
I wish i had talent to do that. Any planes today? I need to go to 1 store for some stuff. Nothing holiday related.
I worked in restaurant Thanksgiving day kind of a workaholic at 57 still am lol I never took anything but crayon art elementary school I always envy those how painted or drawed wanted to have their talent 10 yrs ago at 47 woke up and omg I have that talent deep inside what the neck I am in tax school income tax preparer and working at least 40 it 50 hours a week school alone is 40 week so no time for past to be in my life
Look at you go. I used to be and still wish workaholic. I dont like myself or garbage that goes thru my head. It was easy to get lost in a vehicle. Find and fix problems. Loved and still love it.