Waiting for the euphoria : 12:30 inline... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Waiting for the euphoria

dom410 profile image
15 Replies

12:30 inline for food and feel like I'm getting the shakes (one of my panic attack triggers) I feel nervous and nauseous so I eat. Now the panic attacks is pretty strong. A few minutes later, I feel it subsided alot but not gone, I think about all the bad food and coffee I had. Now I'm home and waiting for the euphoria to come whenever my body gets done its anxiety. I hope it comes soon.

Does anyone else get a wave of this feeling when your panic attack is over? Like a deep sense of relief, even better then an orgasmic feeling?

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dom410 profile image
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15 Replies
abbeyainscal profile image

Question does eating help or hurt? You don’t need me to tell you to breath. But try. How else can I help? I’m here for you.

dom410 profile image
dom410 in reply to abbeyainscal

I was thinking this morning I had alot of sugar carbs. They seem to drop my blood sugar I think. It's funny on the weekend I can wait to eat for a while but during the week it's like huner triggers me somehow.

I c as my day I’ve had that maybe to lesser degree yes. It’s your nervous system. Your adrenaline. Your anxiety during the week crave different things and do stuff like that. Do you exercise? Maybe if you incorporate walking on treadmill it will give you that and steady the other. As your blood sugars with adrenaline I think are impacting

dom410 profile image
dom410 in reply to

I dont exercise but I have signed up for a.gym so hopefully I can get some of this nervous energy out

in reply to dom410

I think that’s why in times of stress some of us eat ice cream chocolate carbs. I did it last night then the sugar dump in morning & acid reflux messing up metabolism in the end & brain function. Before I got injured & stressed I went to the gym and I felt better ate better & when I didn’t my body could handle it. And I used to get that rush over time as I I got myself to push through by 45 min. That seemed to be my sweet spot. I never ran at the gym I walked very fast because I did weights and my job was hard and my body seemed to like the above.

dom410 profile image
dom410 in reply to

Did you download a program that tells you what excercise to do?

in reply to dom410

I’m pretty much destitute financial now from the health issues they missed over the years. Which woulda been an easy fix but they missed it. Back then I was married. In a stable life. Makes a big difference. I had arthroscopic hip surgery and had trouble with recovery. We weren’t rich but I hired a trainer for 3 months. I was younger 38. What I can suggest as I used to be in very good shape is that you don’t need to do that. Lol. I needed help due to my hip I was laid up a long time as they missed that injury and had hysterectomy 3 months before that so I had a lot of imbalance. If you’re not like that and not in good shape I can actually help you start not that I’m a trainer but I learned a lot from what I went through. Do you have money to hire someone or see a kinesiologist? If you have imbalances a kinesiologist is a better type of trainer physio person to hire as they specialize in that. If you’re just out of shape I can suggest a start. At the gym they have a lot of fancy equipment in my experience you don’t need to use all of that especially starting out. The best thing you can use is free weights and your own body weight. But the gym offers a place to go which is good for depression motivation and certain equipment.

Cardio makes you burn calories and heart health. I’d walk on the treadmill for 30 min or up until you can it even if it’s 15/20 min. Or use the rowing machine rowing machines rock they’re so good for your core and cardio. If you do your cardio for even 15 min then go to your weights. Grab where you’re comfy even if just 5/10 lbs start low see where you’re at. Do some bicep curls 3 reps of 25/30 seated dumbbells bent rows ( start where you can if it’s 3 sets of 12 reps or 25 reps 3 sets then do that. Then triceps 3 sets ( it’s what you can handle and weights I only used 3/5 lbs for those mix up your weight accordingly. Then move onto bird dogs what your comfortable with starting. Planks if you can even if you use your knees look into modifications. That for your core strength. Squats modify if you have too if you can’t do a full squat use a chair or whatever you need too. However many sets you can manage starts if it 7 squats 3 sets start there work your way up to 25 squats. Lunges next. A lot of people don’t engage their butt right make sure you watch videos on squats and I like weighted squats with dumb bells get that strength. Bridges 3 sets of what you can handle and donkey kicks great fir your butt which holds you up.

I used to use a bosa ball and do my bicep curls by doing step ups alternating feet curling when I stepped up. The boss ball takes getting used to for balance but the plus is it works your core so you wind up getting a lot more strength and muscle. I also used to flip it over and do my squats on that thing. That’s advanced. Use a leg curl machine they’re fabulous.

If you want to use the equipment then go ahead pull downs leg press bench press love that too.

You have to start small you can’t do all these exercises in one visit unless you’re in good shape. So mix it up. I do believe though if you do upper body you should always mix in a set of squats and bird dogs. And walk on treadmill vary the slope on it as you can. As you need the cardio it’s very good to lose weight and weights are awesome fir getting out stress the push and pull action resistance is mind body connection that gets your nervous system in order. You should start with a cardio routine treadmill or row machine do your weights mat work then finish with cardio as well. And slow your heart rate down the last 3/7 minutes you’re in it. People interval train with cardio and you can but sometimes it’s hard to do that if the gym is busy so this is why I suggest start and finish. Men often don’t work enough of their lower body that’s a mistake as it holds you up. Wish I could come with you. I’m very weak again right now an I love the gym. If you don’t know how to use the machines get an introduction if you like them. I use them too but don’t forget importance of Mat free weights I gymed for many years theirs nothing like using your own body weight to really gain all over. strength

I forgot to suggest bringing some protein powder with you in a baggie and throw it in your water bottle for after you work out. Drink it within 20 min afterwards as it aids in muscle recovery less pain.

abbeyainscal profile image

You don’t need me to tell you sugar carbs 100% cause you to crash.

Lullee profile image

Hello dom410,

Sending wishes that today finds you well from London👍🏼

I have suffered with anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, ADD, PE & phobias & some since 5 years of age’ so it’s almost 45 years.

I use to many years ago get that euphoric feeling, I have not felt that for many years. More so the relief that one of my many episodes was decelerating, heart rate, pulse, BP returning to normality.

I do differ from you as whenever I have any episodes of anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD eg, I cannot eat, I don’t feel the conclusion to eat, if I did/or had it would not stay in me long.

You wrote that you are like this weekdays but at weekends when at home you do not eat in this manner?

From my experience there are obviously triggers in the place, environment wherever you are so therefore you are triggered, there is a trigger mechanism which sets off your anxiety.

It would be interesting for you to have your blood & urine tested to rule out any diabetes/pre diabetes.

Also I don’t know if you are taking any medications for mental health/any disorders etc

Many do have side effects which will cause a crave for sweet foods amongst others.

Hope this helps, I’m from a health @ fitness professional background & a lifelong sufferer with MH👍🏼

dom410 profile image
dom410 in reply to Lullee

Years ago I just felt my body shake like this. I assumed it was because I waited too long to eat. So when I would get this internal shaking my first thought began to be I need to eat something quick and get my blood sugar up before I go into a coma or something. My mom always told me diabetic sickness runs in our family so if I gained weight I would worry.

My last check up my doctor said I was overweight and prediabetic and I need to lose weight. Because I think I have self destructive tendencies I have been lax on losing weight. but I'm also making small headway on bad habits like fast food and colas so I do feel like I'm making positive changes.

On the weekends I think I feel safer at home because my agoraphobia is calmer here where I'm "safe" . I wonder if my trigger is when I'm out in public and get this hunger feelings.

When I was in line waiting for the food to come I remember thinking man I'm starving! And I felt a little shaken but manageable. I wonder if by slightly dwelling on it I managed to make a mountain of a mole hill. I'm sure I let the panic build up and take over.

I've been trying to think of how I could of delt with this differently? Could I have eaten smaller snacks and when I felt like this could of told myself I would be ok I ate bot long ago.

I just had a thought. I saw the time and noticed it was way after my normal lunch time. I wonder if knowing this primed my anxiety because I'm scared of not eating and having low sugar?

I currently taking Paxil 30mg but I'm not sure it gives me a sweet tooth.

Sorry for the book I'm writing but i do think there were several triggers that day. My mom just left for vacation a few states away. I knee it was after my lunch time.

Thanks for making me rethink about this event. I want to try to come up with some ideas of what to do next time. If you have any suggestions that would be awesome.



Lullee profile image
Lullee in reply to dom410

Hi dom410,

There's no need to apologise for 'The book' you're writing.

It's very releasing to get it all out & share, it is very good for the mind & soul👍🏼

This is why we are all here to share, assist, care & support & hopefully inspire & encourage each other through the twisting, winding roads with all it's bumps - life with MH disorders/illnesses👍🏼

Paxil & I had to become friends many moons ago but it was short lived as they didn't work for me unfortunately.

Paxil can increase appetite & weight as do many of the meds but this is where you take control👍🏼

If you have a checkup discuss this & also if you have gained weight, especially if it's since you've been on Paxil etc.

You were told you were pre-diabetic & had gained weight previously so discuss with your care provider.

The trigger is your mum 'always' told you that diabetes runs in the family (which by the way it's a mum thing, I do it with mine) but what's happened it appears that your brain programmed this & your anxiety feeds off it giving you the anxiety/fear of not eating & having low sugar so you need to start taking small steps at first to kick your self destructive tendencies up the butt & get moving, all movement is good movement & increase this movement gradually to achieve your goals of a healthy weight/body fat percentage for yourself👍🏼

You are your own boss, you control this, never let it/or continue to let it control you.

Don't fight it, this is who you are & slowly take control, by making sure that you work out correct eating times, your own personal schedule & portions ie breakfast, lunch, dinner with a healthy morning snack & afternoon snack don't skip any meals.

It can be hard to begin with but persevere.

No snacking on junk/processed food in between meals or when you feel anxious/or anxiety starting.

Take yourself somewhere where you can be alone, restroom etc if not at home & focus on you & identify the trigger & log it. Wash your face if possible & focus on your happy place/& or memories.

The key is identifying every single one of your triggers, therefore you can avoid therefore you take absolute control.

I know it can sound like hard work & a tad tedious, logging stuff times/environment, people, places etc but identifying your triggers works.

Also logging meals & movement/exercise.

I will now apologise for the book I have just written hahaha! 🤣

Many years ago I overhauled my entire personal/professional life due to all of all my MH disorders & my physical health complications I just refuse to continue the fight I accepted who I am, what I am & stopped running from things that were not chasing me & live my life according to me & comfortable/safe for me. Many sacrifices but this is how I have to live, because we all have to live whichever way it has to be👍🏼

dbeck128 profile image

Yes! Lol when its over I'm reminded of how good it feels to not be in panic.

dbeck128 profile image
dbeck128 in reply to dbeck128

Its crazy you can eat during your panics. I always get nervous and my stomach knots up!

dom410 profile image
dom410 in reply to dbeck128

One of my fears is I will be diabetic. so I think from a while ago I associate having the shakes from not eating with panic attacks.

dom410 profile image
dom410 in reply to dbeck128

My waste line wishes I were more like you

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