i’m a teenage girl from the east coast. for years i’ve been feeling that i need help, i just have no idea how to ask. i’m terrified to ask, actually. my parents always say “see, i always think of you” whenever they get me something from the store of something. no, stop saying that. you don’t see me. you don’t see the real me. i’m hurting, i’ve been hurting for so long. i’ve cut, and when i did, it was taken as something over dramatic. i was young, only in 6th grade. i haven’t cut since. i didn’t understand or know how to cope as well at the time. i’ve been struggling with these feeling it depression and thoughts of “would it be better if i wasn’t here” since i was in ******* 5th grade. i’ve been struggling that long, and no one had notice it tried to get me help. i’ve tried asking. i really have. i don’t know what to do anymore. i’m struggling. i act so happy, no one can really tell. i want help. i don’t want to feel like this anymore. but, feelings make me uncomfortable, especially when i’m talking to my parents. i don’t think they take anything seriously. i also have major anxiety and have frequent panic attacks. they’ve been worse and more frequent since i’ve started high school. i’m so scared to open up, i don’t know how to do it. now, i’m not suicidal. i don’t want to die. i just want the pain to stop. i want someone to talk to without the fear, but i don’t have anyone that i feel takes me seriously enough. i also think i have bad adhd, which would explain for how hyper i am and how people think i have good energy and that i’m a happy person. i mentioned it to my mum, but i don’t think she cared to take it seriously. my parents aren’t bad people. they love me and all my siblings. they just don’t see me. they don’t see the pathetic and depressed person i am. i cope, i guess. people think i’m a happy person. i drop so many hints, i ******* express things about my mental health all the time. but, people don’t see how serious it is. i joke about my mental health, that’s how i cope. i need help, but i’d never ask. i want someone to see, to finally realize, how much i’m hurting. i’m really ******* struggling. i don’t know how many more panic attacks i can have until someone realizes i’m not okay. as a new coping mechanism, i’m trying this out.
i want help: i’m a teenage girl from... - Anxiety and Depre...
i want help

East coast USA? Me too. Super easy here. Every town or county has a mental health clinic. If you’re still on your parents insurance tell them you need a card. Make your own appointment.
Your psych issues are only your business. If you’re in school start with a school counselor. If you work then go to HR or Employee Assistance.
Your parents can’t give you what they don’t have. They love you. That’s good. They don’t know how to handle this.
If you need help in your particular area feel free to message me. That’s one of the things I do constantly. Connect people to the help they need in their areas.
Hi sweetie! You are certainly worthy of a depression/anxiety free life. I agree with Neuronerd that perhaps checking in with your school counselor is a good way to start. I'm pretty old and back in the day there was so much stigma associated with mental health issues that parents especially just wanted to ignore it. In addition, unless a person is working through mental health issues themselves they can not possibly understand what you're going through. On this site we are all experiencing mental health disorders so I'm so glad you joined us! We can offer tools to help you with depression and anxiety. I do think you should engage in mental health therapy. Good karma coming your way my friend!
Hello Adriana is easy to say don't feel that way..but there are different ways to feel better.Always talk to people that are in the same situation than you..people that share your situation.....that understand you more..your parents maybe don't understand you because they don't know what depression and anxiety is dont blame them...share you opinions, your thoughts your fears,your worries with us I'm in the same situation..I understand what's happening in your life...we are here to listen and help...you are NOT alone wish you the best...
If they’re not noticing talk to the school Councellor and see if you can get services. Or outright ask your parents to send you to one. Tell them you don’t say how bad it is you’re coping less and want to go. See the school Councellor they’ll provide you with things to look into. Don’t assume you’re ADD it could be stress. Don’t label yourself you don’t know

Agree, don't self diagnose.
Breaks my heart that young people feel they can't talk to their parents, for whatever reason.
My youngest daughter was anxious from a very young age. I could see it in her. She did some therapy. Managed to move on and do ok. Then about time for college she was voicing more feelings of anxiety. I encourage her to speak to md and she got started on low dose med.
Her words " I never realized that all the thoughts going through my head weren't normal" she told me every night she layed down to sleep her mind would wander. Once the med kicked in her brain settled down and she felt great.
If you don't feel comfortable speaking with your parents what about writing it down? Leaving a note on the table or even sending a text to open the conversation.
As a parent I would welcome any form of communication. I would be so happy you reached out for help.
Can you open up to any of your siblings? May help and have an easier way to talk to your parents by having one of your siblings at your side?
You came to the right place we all here to help and be helped asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness so see u are strong your parents do not understand because they are not walking in your shoes so we all are different struggling with mental illness in silence.is a nightmare I am 57 and lucky to be alive 40 yrs anorexia and checked myself into treatment 7 yrs ago I was dying recovered but daily process now to remain that way I struggled since 14 until 7 yrs ago with anorexia mental illness all alone in silence people would say I just do not understand why life is so hard for you I tell them u have never walked in my shoes so they have no clue how it feels u are so young cutting is not the answer so talk to us as much as you need we all have issues or would have never been on this website any ways love kisses hugs for you so we want to help
Adriana2005, I am so glad you reached out here. You are not alone. Those on this forum know the struggles with depression and anxiety. When I was a teenager my parents thought my actions and behaviors were for seeking attention. As an adult I have suffered with depression and anxiety. You need to seek professional help. Someone you can feel comfortable sharing with. Do you have a counselor at school? Everything you share with them is confidential. Also this is a encouraging link that can help learn more about your struggles and help you move forward. bit.ly/2mFxWoz
Are you on any mediation for the ADHD, depression, anxiety? The chemicals in our brain go off balance and often finding the right medication helps us gets those chemicals balanced.
Another thing is talking with a professional, so often we think poorly of ourselves, we struggle with our thoughts and how we view the world. They are skewed and we need guidance to get back on track with our thoughts. I will be praying for you. Know you are not alone and we are here for you. Hugs and Blessings.
I watched this TED Talk and thought you would find it interesting.
Heidi Grant: How to ask for help -- and get a "yes"
Learn more about watching TED Talks on all of your favorite platforms: ted.com/about/programs-init...
Just thought I would check to see how you are doing this week. I have been praying for you. God Bless!