Thanks for letting me join your group I'm looking for help with anxiety that I'm just experiencing after so many years of depression. I have been a functional person till about 3 weeks ago now my job and home life are suffering. Desert storm vet no benefits just worked and hoped for the best. Now I feel like it's all over.
New at this looking for help - Anxiety and Depre...
New at this looking for help
Welcome to the group. I too am new and finds this group very supportive and caring. I’m sorry you’re having difficulty. Keep sharing!
Thank you I hope the same for you.

Thank you. Hang in there! If you feel like sharing more about what’s going on I’m here to listen.
I have so much going on I'm a owner operator truck driver and all the expenses and problems associated with that has really got to me after 25 years of doing this job. It's like I almost feel like it's a wake up call to get out now. I've only worked 3 days in 3 weeks and now my home life is suffering, I've been to va er thinking I had a health concern causing this but everything checks out good. Sometimes everything is just rambling through my head like I'm going crazy and it's scary. People that dont suffer can't help they just say man up pull out of it but I just can't at times, it seems crippling and I just suffer in a way I dont think I've ever experienced before. Thank u for listening and I'm here for u to.
Thank you for sharing. I understand the pressure as I too am a business owner. It’s a lot of pressure and stress. People who have not been an owner, don’t understand. You can never put it down. As much as you try to walk away and take a day off you just can’t.
My first thought is just make sure that you take care of you and make you important because what I find is that I give to everyone else and give to myself last, if ever. What I’ve learned in therapy Is sort of the same thing as when you’re on an airplane. You have to put your own oxygen mask on first, before you help others. Same idea, I have to take care of me before I take care of everybody else. I don’t know if any of this is helping you, but just know that you’re not out there alone. And try desperately to take a day off; maybe go to the movies. I go to the movies because truly it’s the one and only place where I can not feel guilty about turning off my phone. And for an hour and 90 something minutes or however long movie last, I can focus my brain on something else besides all the other stuff that’s in it!
Lol I truly understand and thank you for taking your time out to talk with me today. I see in one of your comments we have somethings in commen I also have a sister with the middle name lynne
I am also new to this forum but I have suffered anxiety all my life so I would be more than happy to help anyone with advice whenever I can since I know all about it (unfortunately).