Anyone suffering with this and what do you take for it
Facial pain: Anyone suffering with this... - Anxiety and Depre...
Facial pain

It needs to be investigated.
Have you had your blood tests results yet? Did you have test for CRP? ( C-Reactive Protein )?
If not I would ask for this test.
Have you seen your dentist?
Any vision problems? If so, tell GP & Dentist.
Yes I have, it's known as midfacial segment pain it's horrible, it comes with anxiety and often related to high levels of stress, the medication offered is pregablin which I refuse to take as it can be addictive
Basically doctors have said reduce stress levels easier said than done I've had 12 yrs of stress I don't sleep and I have anxiety
Do you mean that this was diagnosed from blood tests?
Do you have a print out of your results.
You could ask them to change the Pregablin for Amytryptiline if you'd rather try that ??
But I would use Paracetamol for occassional relief. Then maybe also Ibuprofen after food.
Stronger than that would be Co- codamol 8/500 and Ibuprofen 200mg to 400mg as a good but only occassional combination pain relief. You may need Lactulose medicine if you take Co-codamol and must drink extra water as codeine dries out stools and causes constipation. ( I can't take codeine due to bowel dysfunction ).
Amytryptiline can cause dry mouth so extra water with that too if decided upon.
You could ask your doctor for a few Diazepam as a muscle relaxant. As it becomes addictive after 7 days - maybe just take for two consecutive nights per week ?
Also try heat on neck. Heat pad or put a towel in the tumble dryer for 5 to 10 minutes then wrap around neck , sit in a comfy chair and relax for ten minutes. If you do this after taking the analgesics you should get good relief.
I found Amytryptiline helpful for just a few days. Not much use after that. Don't take them now. I'd try the others first.
It was diagnosed by ear nose and throat it is similar to sinusitis only 10 times worse the pain is awful, good and bad days with it, also I grind my teeth , I will try what you recommended, and ask my doctor about Amytryptiline, thank you for your help
Hi Masom
I edited my reply whilst you were replying !!!
Try the heat pad / hot towel.
Steps :
1) take EITHER 2 x paracetamol OR 2 x Co-codamol 8/ 500mg
2) have a snack or a milky coffee
3) Take 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen
4) wrap hot towel around neck & across front like a scarf & relax.
All tablets above are available over-the-counter. But avoid taking Co-codamol for more than a couple of days as they become addictive.
If you take Ibuprofen with a milky coffee, the caffeine in the coffee will enhance the pain relief. Never buy caffeine tablets though.
If possible stick to regular Paracetamol with occassional Ibuprofen.
Remember to drink plenty of water - a cup or two first thing and a cup/glass of water before and after every meal.
Yes I do use a heat rap
Hi thank you I will try all of that you have recommended more to me than my doctor lol thank you so much
Yes I will do and thank you again I will let you know how I get on
Can I ask what you used amitriptyline for
Stress and anxiety is so hard to deal with
This is the "Amytryptiline " answer (it's popped up in the wrong place!)
Yes. It was prescribed when my neck pain was keeping me awake. I was suffering from sleep depravation and couldn't sleep.
I was reluctant to take it / afraid at first.
I took it because I was desperate for some sleep.
It did help initially with my acute need. I was drowsy the following morning when I started it.
I don't take it anymore.
Am I right in assuming that you know how to take paracetamol? No more than 2 x 500mg and no more than 4 times a day?
There has to be at least 4 hours between each dose. So it's either Paracetamol or Co-codamol 8/500mg because the latter contain 8mg of codeine and 500mg of paracetamol.
Ibuprofen should be taken with or after food. But can be taken whilst taking either of the others above.
This is usually a good combination for short term use.
AND assuming on no other medication including same drugs for examples -
Lemsips (contain paracetamol ) .
If Ibuprofen gel or Voltorol gel is used topically on neck etc then tablets can't be taken at the same time. NSAIDS may be used either topically or orally not both together.
Hi Mary I'm not to bad today thank you did take some paracetamol last night, and yes I understand how much to take, I don't think I'm going to try amitriptyline. And I do sometimes use voltarol not together like you say.
It's OK to use Voltorol with Paracetamol though.
Good to hear you're a bit better.
I'm OK thanks. Quite advanced neck condition and painful feet, but there are people suffering a lot worse than I am !!
Today's blue sky helps a little, breathing problems with low cloud like yesterday!