Im suffering from anxiety and depression since my childhood and it is badly impacting my day to day activities..i got a tiny family and my spouse is abroad and not getting enough support...i have dipression too the anxiety now leads in excecessive sweating which is uncontrollable and impacting social life..i felt like dyinhg..caa any one suggest of improvement plan
Anxiety,Dpression excessive facial sw... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety,Dpression excessive facial sweating

Sometimes I find breathing exercises help in the short term to slow my body down. I tend to shake rather than sweat which is also really noticeable and embarrassing. When I can I remove myself from the situation for a few minutes to calm down, perhaps you could carry some tissues to wipe your face if you manage to have a few minutes on your own. I think the more you worry about it the more anxious you might feel, sometimes I just have to accept that this is how my body reacts to stress and anxiety and care for myself instead of feeling bad that I'm not like other people 🙂
I really suggest finding a good therapist if you don’t already have one. I have been seeing one for a while for similar issues and I find it really helps me. Distractions are also a good key and try and create supportive relationships with people that you can talk to and can help you with your day to day life. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your response..i have contacted a psychiatrist she suggested some of the mindcalmness techniquee like meditation,yoga and breathing exercise but it is really extreme in some point especially meeting new people and taking presentation ..i can see a Fear generating for no u struggle with same facial sweating problem
Not necessarily in my face but I do get hot flashes whenever I start to get anxious. I think it’s a part of when I hyperventilate(which happens too). I guess part of it is slowing your breathing down, getting out of that state and realizing that there is really nothing wrong. Your body is going through fight or flight and you need to remind it that you’re not in a dangerous situation.
You are absolutely correct my dear is actually due to the fact that brain is sending a message to the body that body is in danger in order to calm down body sweating comes...Due you have any idea to get rid of these..i tried many but no luckk..
I’ve been doing some thought changing exercises with my therapist. It’s not even just about the breathing control to help it you need to change your body’s automatic response(to the best of your abilities obvi). One thing that I’ve been working on is called 5-4-3-2-1. You name 5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, and one thing you taste. It takes a lot of practice before it can work but it’s a way to distract yourself while your mind starts racing and once you are distracted you should be able to call your breathing and get to a state of normalcy. I hope this helps a bit.
Shaking and sweating both are embarissing and you find any remedy to this situation..i met a pshycharitst and suggested some of breathing technique but hardly no luck
I guess try what I wrote one message above and also maybe you need a therapist in addition to a psychiatrist. The therapist can provide you with ways to change the behavior vs the psychiatrist is mostly just there to prescribe the meds.
I had an appointment with therapist today morning..She prescribed a medicine nexito1.0 for facial sweating due to anxiety..Once the physical symptoms of anxiety is removed she promised to start the CBT after the 6 any on ed used nexito before
Glad to hear. The CBT should really help.
I'm having medicine nexito and zapis for controlling anxiety and depression as per the therapist advise ..she ask me to have this for a period of more than 6 month to control my facial sweating...
But the facial sweating is really worse now and it does increase my anxiety and depression...Facial sweating is really embarissing and easily noticeable people always ask me about this and it it always put my confident down and that leads to more sweating in normal temprature...its like a hopeless lifee...any way to reduce its sweating