Hey guys, so I just lost a friend on here all because of my political beliefs which I hinted at. Instead of talking about them, they go ahead and block me, delete their account on here and completely vanish. Is this really my fault or are some people unwilling to accept other's beliefs?
Am I to blame?: Hey guys, so I just... - Anxiety and Depre...
Am I to blame?
Im sorry you lost a friend I didn’t know we could block people here. I don’t think it’s about accepting other people’s beliefs it’s a hard pill to swallow if a friend is supportive of something or someone that is either causing harm to you or loved ones.

You can only block them in pm but not the main board. HU have been asked many times for this facilitly but they say the software (hardware?) can't support it. x
Oh ok I thought she/he meant the main board
Whatever your Political Beliefs has no meaning here, your beliefs are your own. If you have lost a friend on site because of your belief, that is a loss you and friend will sad to say suffer. Generally Politics has no real place here, although I really feel sorry for your loss of a friend because of it.
To be honest the world is crazy so I reserve my beliefs for my nearest and dearest, even then I do bite my lip.
Yes I agree. I don’t share my personal political beliefs with people I feel( know) will judge me. Our world, especially the USA is so divisive. It is hard enough dealing with anxiety and depression without people keeping score on other topics.
I stopped reading the news for over a week now. For me personally because of worrying about physical health and mental health, it is best for me not to read or discuss politics. We are all human. Whatever our beliefs are I know in my heart we would never not try to help a friend because they were affiliated with a political group. Ask your selves if you see someone fall and get hurt would you ask who are you voting for in 2020 before you helped them. I know we are better than that and thankfully this isn’t twitter. Even if people act like they may not like a certain race or religion when it comes down to it we would help them. Mental and Physical illness does not discriminate. I’m sorry you lost your friend. I hope they come around and realize their kindness to you is more important than what they think of your political beliefs.
Oh dear sorry to hear that. It is a bit extreme to delete their account and vanish so I wouldn't think this was down to you or not most of it. I only object when others try and force their belief systems on to me - a healthy debate with those of different views can be good though.
Unfortunately many people are unable to respect other's beliefs but adult people agree to differ instead of behaving so childishly. Having said that I have in the past deleted my account in a fit of pique but then returned under another name.
No one is perfect though x
Yes when I read your post I was thinking maybe they just decided to delete their account not necessarily because of you...or anything to do with what you said.
Peoples lives and feelings can change quickly
Take care xx
We all have differing beliefs and I am getting to old to care what other people think of me now. I live in the countryside and I am in wonderment if I meet four people in a twenty four time period. We had the farmers workers in the field yesterday and in some ways they upset our day, mind I am still talking to them life is to short
As a rule I try never to talk politics and religion anywhere other than at home. Even at home I don't tell my husband who I vote for. It's my private decision
I'm sorry you lost someone you thought was a friend.
People really cannot handle others' beliefs because these ppl are fanatics. My parents were like that. I am so sorry but they were not a true friend to begin with. If you want a replacement, I accept friends on all sides. I can be there for you no matter which side you are on and I will never judge or criticize you for your political (or other) beliefs!