I want so bad to reply to pratyaya personally....but it goes much deeper than that....there isn't one specific group to blame...it's not your fault that the average person doesn't understand the struggle of dealing with emotional pain or mental anguish. Unfortunately the stigma of mental health being taboo will never ever go away...there will always be someone who doubts or doesn't understand mental health issues. we will always be explaining ourselves...even though we owe no one an explanation. Unfortunately the mindset that mental anguish isn't as real as physical ailments also creates more issues than it fixes. I've resorted to actual physical self harm so I can associate the mental pain with something tangible...I will never give up hope....I will never quit fighting or sharing the knowledge that I have aquirred. My hope is that some day....someone will actually understand my angst instead of belittling me for it....that mental health treatment will become as common as flu vaccines and such......until then i will just keep trying to inform
who is to blame: I want so bad to reply... - Anxiety and Depre...
who is to blame

Mental health has certainly come a long way, but sadly still has a long way to go! It’s really sad when you have to wait months to get help. Especially if you are changing drs. They will not backdown and help If you are a new patient, you have to wait about 3 months to be seen. Even when they know you are in need of mental help!! It’s very frustrating!! Why waste an ER visit when it’s not necessarily an emergency (although it feels like it at times). It’s truly sad.
Unfortunately Psychology isn't a Hard Science
Mental health is a vast and complicated topic, and one of the blessings of life is we forget the unbearable pain of chicken pox and flu and even a broken ankle, just so we can move forward. But mental health doesn’t go away. And it’s not something only a few or many people have. What many don’t realise is we ALL have mental health issues. Some of us are more equipped to deal with things than others. Some have support networks to rely on. Some even can afford counsellors and advisers, and secretaries to do the more mundane tasks.
But tbh, we all suffer from mental health. Everyday can be a struggle if we don’t accept ourselves, if we live a life of being made to feel worthless and pitiful and useless and even improper.
What we need to remember is we are not alone. And we are human. We are one giant family who should love each other for the sake of loving. Help each other not for our own benefit, but because it’s the right thing to do. And inside we get that warm glow for helping another. The reward for helping, even a smile is charity they say, is not from the one you help, but is for the sake of being good and human. This gives purpose in our lives.
We no longer feel useless because our value isn’t based on other’s opinions, it’s based on what is good and helpful and right which is something that we all innately know. When we focus on ourselves too much, we lose sight of the needs of others. When we look to others too much, we don’t look after ourselves. It’s a balancing game and when we understand and accept ourselves, when we use strategies like taking ourselves out of stressful situations (taking a walk, excusing purse for the washroom) getting organised and following routines.
Looking outside at the world.. the natural world; the skies, the birds, the trees, acknowledging the intricacies of life, that things aren’t perchance, but meant to be, then we look at the good and the benefits or our situations. We see those less fortunate and say, hang on a minute, I have all the hair on my head, I have my limbs, I have working eyes and I’m not dependent on devices so I can hear.
…then we calm our minds. Then the issues are no longer overwhelming and destructive. There’s goodness too. And light and we should hold on to it with a smile, letting the sun warm our faces and be content that things aren’t as bad as they could be.
Remember… this time too shall pass
If you went to sleep and didn’t wake up till tomorrow, would any of the things you’re worrying about actually matter. For those that won’t, let go, for those that will… those are your priorities for the day. Just work on those today.
Every moment of your life is an opportunity and a possibility. It’s a chance for something new. A chance to do something/ learn something/ change yourself for the better. Don’t do things for the world and their praises. Do it because it’s good and it is right and believe in the hereafter, because your reward for goodness shows in this world and the next. Even if you don’t have belief , that warm glow from achieving something, from seeing that other person smile when you helped, that’s also a gift to you. So cherish and remember all the good times. Write them down to remind you of the blessings in your life. And make a plan and step forth.
You control how you will spend your life. Make it one of honesty and virtue. And be happy with knowing you tried your best and your efforts were for good even if the outcome isn’t what you expected. … you never know,… in the long run… you might see it is better!
Good luck to all who read this. Have hope, have conviction. Believe in yourself. Because I do! I believe in you. I believe in your goodness and your ability. No one is the the same. That would be boring. You are an individual, you think differently and you know what! That’s ok! Different is inspiring, different is where ideas come from. Different brings colour to a dull world. Smile for the sake of smiling and be happy. You are not alone. You are in my prayers. You can do it!
Hi, I understand you completely. I was recently at a hospital visit and the specialist noticed my severe self harm injuries when I had to take my jacket off for tests (I was mortified) anyhow we got chatting about mental health and I explained why I felt the need to self harm ect and he thanked me for being so honest with him and how much I educated him that day. Honestly I left feeling great, it just makes such a difference when people actually listen to you and even if they can’t comprehend you doing such a thing, they have a better understanding and empathy.
The thing with people who self harm is that they feel like they are in the eye of a storm. Everything is out of control, and nothing is bearable. The want something that they can control, anything. And they feel that this is all they have left. But...
What i have to offer to you is that your life is YOUR life. Yes there are things you cant control, and somethings its good they arent in your control... you dont want to be responsible for them. What you can control is what you do, how you spend your time. No one can make you think what you dont want to focus on, ...only you can. So let them go, and think about what you can do, how you want to spend your day. What can you focus on that is positive and fruitful.
Sometimes diaries help, hobbies too. Keeping busy, making plans and lists
I write poetry. The thing is, just let it out. and then write some good things from the day. and stick them on a wall, everyday one more post it and soon the whole wall will be covered with your happiness, achievements and goodness. And your room will be a blessing to you... You do have control. Not over others, but of yourself!
Do you write poetry on here?
hmm everyone is different with regards to self harm. I don’t feel like everything is out of control (sometimes yes but not always) I started from the age of 12 and I’m in my 40’s now, have a wonderful husband and grown children so I’m very grateful for that. One of my diagnosis is PTSD but now I’ve started journaling, I do meditation and yoga and attend college courses (never too old to learn new things!) 🙂 I find people often feel that a person is in crisis when they self harm but for me personally that’s not the case 90% of the time. I appreciate your post and thanks for the reply 🥰
Well I seemed to have missed a lot but I agree with you.