Hey guys, just needed somebody to talk to, I'm going through so much right now. I actually feel like crying even. I've been experiencing panic attacks so much lately and the fear is crippling. I can do anything, I can't eat and I feel lonely because nobody understands what I'm going through. Please tell me how to deal with it...
Panic attacks: Hey guys, just needed... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic attacks

We are right here AnitaPet to listen and comfort because we understand.
Welcome to a safe place to come to where you will not feel alone.
What's happening in your life that's bringing all these panic attacks? xx
Thank you... There's nothing that I can pin point happening really. Like I just wake up with this horrible feeling of doom. But I've noticed that it get worse around noon or when the weather's really bad...
Anita, morning anxiety is usually the strongest because of the heightened adrenaline
in our body. The fact in facing a new day, new challenges plays into that adrenaline
and can cause overwhelming sensations.
However the fact that it seems worse for you around noon as well as when the weather is bad might seem like something more than chemical is causing this feeling.
It may be situational. That's when you have to back track as to how long this has been
going on as well as what might have happened around noon or in bad weather that
prompted these feelings to arise.
It's all in the way our mind interprets these feelings as well. Fear begets fear and before long we are in a cycle that needs to be broken. xx
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling this way. How do you feel after you cry? Does it give you relief? I find that when I let the tears go instead of holding them in the anxiety goes along with it. Not every time, but it does help sometimes. I hope it helps you. Wishing you relief and peace.
Hello AnitaPet, I have panic attacks and they are a curse. First of all they do not harm or kill you however severe they are. They always go eventually. I have a book called "Help from Nevous Illness" by Claire Weeks. I think you can still get copies E-Bay might have them. In it she explains how to cope with them, and to me the book has changed my life. I know there are probably lots of books, but this is special and is a must. You will get through this. I got over mine, but know I have a stressful health issue they have come back mainly because I am terrified of hospital appointments. I am still here, and nothing is going to happen to you either. Its just high anxiety level, and making too much adrenaline. I will pray for you. All the best Christine.