Anxiety through the roof can’t sleep dry mouth can’t stop crying and feel so scared of anything and everything any advice please
Panic attacks: Anxiety through the roof... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic attacks

Do you have someone who could accompany you right now? I had experienced it last night, my heart feel so restless and dry mouth plus I could not even doze to sleep even though I have not been sleeping well for the past few days but my father accompany me to sleep (it doesn't help) until he gave me a dose of relaxant and banana. Banana is known for helping you to sleep as it contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which gets converted to 5-HTP in the brain. The 5-HTP in turn is converted to serotonin (a relaxing neurotransmitter) and melatonin (copy this from google). Maybe you could try deep breathe as well for easing your anxiety a little. Try praying as well. I hope you feel better, my friend.
Thank you so much for your reply,I live on my own so that makes it worse when the panic demon strikes,I do pray and count my other blessings some people who are unable to get around must have these panic attacks but can’t walk away from them,so I pray for them also,
Is there anywhere you can go right now? Coffee Shop? Book Store? Taking a walk?
I have never had panic attacks through all the hell I have been through. I suffer from PTSD and just recently recovered from 40 years of Anorexia. I know depression way to well. I have found peace and happiness for the first time. My recovery is awesome. It will be a daily process too. Keep hope and be strong. I love you and live. Life is wonderful just reach for it. Zoloft works great for me. Happy New Year and talk about all that bothers you. It is a great medication.
Hi my friend thank you for your kind reply I have been to Drs this morning he has changed medication from metazapine to sertraline which I think is Zoloft so I hope it works for me,helps to talk to people who suffer this awful condition and are not judgmental and help each other along Big hugs and love to you x
hello my dogs!i have been suffering almost daily pannick atacks for the last three years...the hardest thing to do is remembering that they are just a feeling (a terrible one) and not harmful at all.try to distract yourself in that moment.painting or drawing helps me,or just start singing out loud, and smile or laugh because your mind says that, if you are laughing, there must be no danger ... once you have recovered and you feel better enough,try to find out the thing or situation that is stressing you that much (there may be more than one).then,work on fixing them.i hope this helps are not alone in this
Thank you for your reply I am sorry you also suffer from this awful condition.I can’t get to the point of switching off,I over think everything and can’t get to rationalise anything everything is a major event in my mind then the panic starts and I want to be sick and run and hide
it has taken me a looooooot of effort to start losing the fear of having a panick is going to take time but even when you feel beaten,you will find something that gives you strengh, whatever it is...i am trying an exercise these days:for every bad thought I think of 3 good is working quite well
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I wish I could help you. What can I say to help? Your life matters.
I am sorry you are struggling, but I am glad you have taken the right steps to feeling better. Reaching out on this forum is very helpful. There are so many people here who understand the struggles with anxiety and depression. Also, going to your doctor and adjusting your medication should help. In addition, it is great to hear that you pray. I find prayer helps and is very encouraging. You are not alone in this process, God is with you along with many caring individuals. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. I will be praying for you. God Bless and Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your kind comments,I have hit a brick wall now yesterday dr.changed my meds but now I have found out I might have Glaucoma (optician checkup) and now been referred to eye hospital the earliest (urgent) Appointment is not until 30 May and cannot take and medication until then because this type of medication makes glaucoma worse,so I am in a right state now with added worry and no relief,I feel so broken right now x
I am so sorry to hear about your possible Glaucoma and you can't take your medication. Are you in counseling? Medication is not the only thing that can help. Also learning techniques to cope and understanding what is causing the anxiety can help. Anytime I struggled, I would stop and give myself a break. Leave whatever was causing me the anxiety. Then pray and do something inspirational or fun to help me feel better - listening to uplifting Christian Music, calling a friend to pray with them, or going for a walk. My favorite song that helps is called God will Make a Way - Also the book Battlefield of the Mind has helped me when I am struggling. I will continue to pray for you. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. Hugs!