i honestly think my anxiety is over, but it honestly just comes back and leaves and comes back and leaves. how can you stop yourself from being stressed over little problems?
update : i honestly think my anxiety is... - Anxiety and Depre...

I wish sometimes I could just level out and not stress about the little things, but sometimes I think I stress about the small things to avoid the bigger problems at hand if that makes sense? Not sure if that’s how it is for you, just a realization I’ve had recently

I fully agree about worrying over little things to avoid dealing with important issues. Thanks for the insight.
Sarah, don't stress the little things. Breathe through upsetting issues.
When you feel anxiety trying to take over, don't fight it, accept it as just
a thought and it will soon pass. xx
The “accept it as just a thought, and it will soon pass” really spoke to me, thank you ( not my post, but that was beautiful)

It took me many years to get to that point of accepting anxiety. Dr. Claire Weekes'
book on "Hope & Help for Your Nerves" was the basis of that belief. But until we
believe and practice it ourselves, we will continue running in circles. I'm glad it helped
you some. Not a day goes by that we don't learn something from others on the forum.
I'm glad you are here. xx
Yeah it sounds like it’s definitely worth the read , thank you for the info ( I’m glad you’re here too)
Dr Claire Weekes talks allot about relaxing and accepting in her books. I found them really helpful and short to boot.
Hi Sarah. I know the feeling. Anxiety works in cycles. It comes around out of the blue sometimes. When it does, it seems to last forever but then it slowly dissipates. Well, it is my experience
Hi Sarah
I have found the same, I lost it for about 6 weeks last time then it came back and I have had it in very mild form for around two months. It does not interfere with my life but I am hoping that it will gradually go completely.
Does anyone know if this is what happens?
Yes,exactly! I just remind myself to slow my thinking! And breathe.
How can it be over? If you're saying it keeps coming back? I've been suffering with anxiety and depression off and on for about 36 years. It may seem like it's gone at times, but in reality I don't think it's ever gone Forever? We just have to learn how to manage it.
I can relate to it. It is one of the biggest disappointments, when you think that you have closed this chapter in your live, that “anxiety has left the chat”.
But then it comes back with full force. I just try to wait it out, take some plant-based medicine for nerves, and hope for the best.
I think it’s just like this, I stress and think about little stuff, but breeze through bigger stuff, anxiety is different, somehow, I walk, and use complimentary therapies, xxx
To me its not a matter of stopping but a matter of coping and recognize that when it is coming on or you find yourself already in a anxious state tell yourself "ok here we go"(like getting on a rollercoaster) ..I try to just see my way through it until it goes away
Same here. When anxiety starts hitting me left and right, I think -- sometimes yell -- "Stop" to myself. I try to look at the anxiety. If it's "Supposing I don't get along with someone this coming week?" or "What if I get an unexpected bill?", it can be put in the "Hasn't happened/might not happen" column. If it's "Is my left front tire flat?" I walk out and take a look at my car. If the tire's flat or going flat, I put air in it, fix it, or change it. Not an earth-shattering approach, I grant you, but looking at "stuff" that rolls in as a bunch of littler stuff that's may be more manageable has helped me out.
My therapist says do distractions, tapping and breathing. I'm at it all the time.
The past month the disorder has me scared almost all the time.