Hey there,
I'm brand new here and this is my first post.
I've been having a rough go of it lately so I am searching for a safe place to be vulnerable and to express my thoughts and feelings. I figured an anonymous post to a caring community would be a good place to start.
I've let my anxiety run my life for too long. It's a beautiful, sunny 4th of July and I am sitting alone in a dark house trying to escape my anxiety. I've kept myself numb for many years but the more I avoid my feelings, the worse they seem to get.
I am craving connection big time, but my social anxiety is a major barrier to this. I want to put myself out there and meet people, but talking to people makes me nervous. I get sweaty, my throat gets tight, I don't know what to do with my hands so they usually end up in my pockets. I have an undeniable urge to just turn and run away from social situations. Yet I crave connection so bad. I'm tired of feeling lonely and sad and sorry for myself.
Any support or advice would be much appreciated,