Hi I'm 57 and I was told by my Landlord that he wouldn't be renewing my lease this July 1st. I've been living in bad conditions in a basement for quite awhile now.
Due to anxiety, both social and everyday anxiety I rarely go out ...especially since Covid.
My only option, since I don't have have that much $ and can't find any decent apt for under $1000, is to move into a place for people over 50 in low cost housing.
I saw 2 apt's and they're quite nice. Big enough for me and they have balconies which I haven't had in ages.
While talking over things for a May move, I asked Sheryl, the one in charge questions about what I could move in. I live in a big 3 1/2 and am moving into into a 1 1/2 and she kept asking if I was a hoarder when I talked about bringing my books with me. She said something like "If you haven't read them by now, you never will.." Also, she mentioned them being a fire hazard, lol.
So, it hit me. This is my 1 step closer to dying and also having less autonamy in the meantime. The rent in this place is actually higher than what I'm paying right now. I understand I have to keep the place clean and there are people older than me who struggle with everyday things.
But, I can still cook, read, use the computer, play video games,etc (The going out part is the tough one) I'm 57, not 80.
I'm not sure why that comment got to me but she also said there would be cleanliness inspections.
I have nowhere else to go, so I have no choice but to move in there.
So, here I am at 4:30 am typing this out because I don''t have any support from anyone in my life and maybe it will make me feel a little better to get this out of my system.
Thanks for reading...