So I’m too Intuned to all my bodily functions since all my panic attacks and anxiety have gotten out of control over the past few months.... I literally pay attention to every single feeling or sensation I get and blow it up into something so much worse!! Also the googling of the symptoms I just can’t seem to break away from it!!! I literally had to take a 0.5mg of my Clonazepam just to try and calm down.... I feel like I just can’t get my life back together and seeing my primary care doctor is like a joke he just always sees me at my absolute worst and assumes it’s just my “anxiety acting up again” 😐
Like really..... : So I’m too Intuned... - Anxiety and Depre...
Like really.....

It will get better I used to google symptoms all day every day! Don’t think I’ve googled for months now. I even took my bp 10 times a day. Anxiety sucks for sure. Take care Danincole22.
I feel the same way, if I even feel a little off or weird feeling or pain my brain goes nuts! I can get myself into a small panic attack and am convinced I'm dying. The best thing I have done is breathe, think things logically, and think that if something was seriously wrong, I would just know? Like I would just have this feeling like this really isn't right and I need to get help. I think if you're as in tuned to your body as I am, you whether you know it or not will deep down know if something is really wrong! I'm so sorry think feeling really sucks!!! Try not googling, thinking logical, rational and factual thoughts, breathe, and think this too shall pass!!
I know exactly how you feel, I do the SAME thing! It will literally drive you insane. I talk to my PC as well, but she just wants me to get on permanent medicine which has all kinds of crazy side effects. I do go to therapy but it's more just like talking to somebody she doesn't specialize in anxiety and when I ask her questions she just shoots them back at me to answer, it's been kind of helpful but I feel like I need more than what she's giving me. I am so in tune like you are, I feel this weird shaky feeling that I swear is my heart but when I take my pulse it feels okay. Anything that raises my heart rate freaks me out, I can't drink alcohol anymore or even eat certain foods, it's ridiculous. I'm scared constantly of having a heart attack and I get panic attacks if something traumatic or too stressful happens but experience high anxiety I feel like 24/7 some days I get a break but it's rare. So I know exactly what you're going through. I wish I had better advice or something helpful but sometimes it just helps to know you're not alone. They tell me to hang in there and it'll get better so crossed fingers.
Yeah I understand!! What kind of medicine was your doc thinking of prescribing? I know there’s a ton of different ones to start on, from antidepressants to basic anxiety meds for the panic atttacks. It isn’t easy! To me it’s just crazy how my life got this way and so fast. I was never this bad with anything when it came to my anxiety and then some trauma happened and a bunch of different things all at once and I just couldn’t handle it so I shut down..... it sucks. But I know that there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel
So they prescribed me buspirone but it's got a multitude of side effects including dizziness which I'm already experiencing due to having vertigo right now so that's a no for me. I asked them for something more short term like just when I'm having panic days but they said that would be something like xanax and they don't want me to get addicted to that so they won't prescribe it. They'd rather me be on medicine all the time, it's frustrating cause don't want to be. And same here, I never used to have this, I was happy go lucky and fearless now I'm just overwhelmed and trapped by this horrible feeling of doom constantly and same thing went through a few traumatic events and I guess my brain just snapped. It's so exhausting but here's to hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel!
Hi daninicole what you've got sounds like health anxiety I presume youve been to your doctor for this has it been a while since you've been to see them? There are a few other things you could try relaxation mp3s just look them up on e-bay/amazon the other one is self hypnosis from the same places I use the self hypnosis mp3s myself so give it a try what have you got to loose! Take care gook luck david
If it get worse I must taken a little bit more from my anxiety meds than it get better take less and not Google and not go in overthinking
I’ve had a few friends that felt like this and started lexepro... they said it has gaven them there life back so I think that’s what I’m going to start... I feel the same

Really?? Yeah well I tried to start taking that last month, last a few days and couldn’t take the panic and anxiety it was giving me and the heart palpitations I would get :/ so I got scared and stopped it. I see a psychiatrist next week so I’ll be seeing what they are thinking of giving me