I'm a therapist with long history of depression. Meds not working any more. Need a support group. Friends I can relate to and who know what I'm going through.
Looking for a support group for depre... - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking for a support group for depression and anxiety

Hi. I know what you mean. How long have you been on your current medication? I currently suffer from anxiety and depression.
Welcome. I think supportive human interaction is powerful. I learned that when it disappeared from my life and I started having many health problems.
Welcome to the forums. You will find support here. You will also find a bunch of people who know what you are dealing with. That is a guarantee.
Well you have found it here. How can we help you? x
I am new to the group. I have suffered for years with anxiety and depression. I just can't seem to get myself under control. I am on medication and it does not calm me down. I want to live my life being happy and just can't get there!
That has to be especially difficult being a therapist and having depression/ anxiety. Im a retired RN and have struggled with it for many years. Looking back, I guess I just put on my happy face for the patients and didnt show my true feelings. Do you have an outlet where you can be transparent with people about yourself?

No support group. No one where I can be myself--whoever that person might be.
Therapy has gone into the Aversion Therapy mode instead of a 2 yr run at asking for Hypnotherapy from the only person my Adult Senior HMO could find who would leave their practice to work for a paycheck within the big insurance Medicare system.
Have to learn who I am now, then what I want, then go after it. Tall orders!
I need a support group too. Being online isn’t enough, especially when you don’t have friends and there is no human interaction. All support groups cost money where I live. So it’s impossible.
There are emotions anonymous and depressed anonymous groups available in many locations. That might be an option for you melina9.
There must be a way to get help. In USA we have social welfare services that can be helpful or they can get us nowhere. I've been on that nowhere train.
Will keep changing the methods that help. Won't stay truck in the tracks. So I keep telling myself.
Find every way possible to be grateful for even the smallest of things. Years ago Oprah recommended a gratitude journal. Now I'm using mine as much and as often as possible. I'm striving to trust the process.
Fighting the process is not positive enough for anyone.
Join me?
You are right. I’m tired of fighting the system of don’t have a choice because of what they are doing to me regarding heath are. Aside from that, I do have a gratitude journal. I struggle to write in it everyday because I feel hopeless.
Just read this about making changing:
Know what you mean, healthcare sucks. I always have to pay out of pocket and have spent thousands for therapy that didn't work for me. I'm in U.S. no one knows how alone you are and the medical field by and large don't care even though loneliness is a public health problem.
Gerrycary I used to be a therapist, though long ago, and always struggled with depression and anxiety. These last years have been endless pain. I look for support groups for this and especially trauma. I attest difficult if impossible to find. I am new too and am making use of this group as much as possible. Where do you live?
Welcome. This is a great place. Do you have clinical or situational depression? I’m a neuroscientist with clinical from TBIs. Very kind and knowledgeable folks here.
Dealing with my sisters near suicide attempt, a lot of old demons came forward and bringing back a lot of suppressed memories. I need support and I don't feel I have that right now
To be honest, I don’t really know how to comfort you and don’t know if this will help you but I totally understand you. I’m an only child so I don’t have siblings I can talk to. My friend fortunately managed to get happier and I don’t want her to drag her back into her state, so I have basically no one to talk to. I also feel like I need some support but I don’t have that. I really hope you and your sisters feel better. You and your sisters sound so kind and caring, and I know you guys are such amazing people. We need people as brilliant as you guys so stay strong! I know you can fight those demons, and make sure to seek medical help as well if you feel like you need it. I hope you and your sisters are doing better. 💜
I just want to get this off my chest.
I feel like I don’t deserve anything. Anything. (I haven’t been diagnosed but I suspect I have clinical depression) and I feel like I don’t deserve to feel sadness because I have the perfect life. I have nothing to feel depressed about, but here am I, feeling like life is tormenting me every single day. Every time I achieve something, I ask myself ,”do you think this will make you better?” “You know you are still a ungrateful piece of sh*t right?”. I have a very hard time sleeping, and usually I’m going over what I have done in my day, and every time i make a mistake I automatically start ranting about how I am a terrible terrible person. I realize I sometimes get super annoyed at one thing and start legit talking crap about that person with the intention of making that person hurt and then I immediately regret saying that and curse myself. That’s nice. I have no one to talk to and I don’t want to burden my friends and family with my emotions so I bottle it all up and use that negative energy to talk crap about myself. I want to talk to someone that I can relate and won’t drag them into depression as well. (And help me become somewhat happier).
I feel your frustration. I am 79 and have anxiety and depression and COPD. I have been isolated not because of the COVID but because of my need for o2. I have a portable, but my friend, yes only I, has not been willing to spend time with me. I feel desperate and like I am going crazy. Just like being in solitary confinement. I have been searching for a site with friends to connect with.
I'm also going through the same thing depression and anxiety and severe insomnia if you need to talk I'm here