Hi there, I'm struggling with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Looking for a virtual support group in addition to outpatient therapy. Let me know if anyone has any good resources or advice! 😀
Looking for a virtual support group - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking for a virtual support group

We're all in this together, consider me a friend
I hope you find what you want. I'm sorry, but I don't have a good piece of information to give.Good luck 🌹
This is a wonderful community. There is great support here from people who understand what it's like to live with anxiety and depression
There is also a PTSD site here that you may want to join
You might check with the local NAMI Chapter in your area, they have a lot of different resources available.
Hi kris333, being right here on this website is the most healing and supportive experience I've had in the 50 years of my depression anxiety and ptsd. I've been a member since March sometimes I feel very sad and I write to you guys and I get encouraging uplifting information. Sometimes I write about my successes and it encourages others that it's possible to feel okay. This is a good place to be you made a good step forward just signing up.Cognitive behavioral therapy which is individual therapy with a counselor is helpful I have participated in it often throughout the many years. You have to check with your health insurance to see if you have behavioral health benefits and then contact whoever they contract with. If you're on State Health Care they do have behavioral Health centers that will serve you and you just call them and inquire about counseling. It all depends on the kind of insurance you have. Be persistent mental health care in this country is not completely a priority yet and it takes a lot of time to get in sometimes. Be persistent and let them know that you are in need of help immediately. Good luck
welcome Kris333!