Hi guys just a bit of background first I’m 21 years of age and have been out of work for one year now with health anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder. Over the past few weeks I’ve stated to feel better eat better sleep better. So I thought I would be ready to go bs k to work but now all those same doubts and feelings as before are bubbling up and in just starting to think there’s something fundamentally wrong with me that I can’t work that I’ll never be a normal member of society doing normal things? I’m in therapy and I’ve been improving I’m just worried I’m forever broken this whole anxiety thing only stated to get bad around the age of 20
There’s something wrong with my mind - Anxiety and Depre...
There’s something wrong with my mind

Everybody can recover from anxiety disorder if they accept their symptoms fearlessly and let time pass. Occupation is excellent therapy for GAD, it stops us concentrating on our mythical symptoms (introspection) and thus reduces the flow of fear hormones that keep our nerves sensitised.
You know all your health symptoms are fraudulent because your doctor has given you that reassurance. It's 'just' anxiety! So you have nothing to fear. Fear is the enemy that keeps you ill.
Accept your symptoms for the time being, find a job and just float your way through it. Slowly you achieve victory over fear, your nervous system returns to normal and you recover your quiet mind. Who says so? Claire Weekes said so.
Remember, anxiety isn't the world, it's you.
Over sensitive nerves exaggerate all our fears ten fold. So the natural anxiety about starting a new job which everyone feels is multiplied ten times in your case. So say: "Who cares, I'm going to start a new job. It will all go well. Sure I might feel like s**t but that won't stop me doing the job!"
Do the hard thing, Meyer, there's nothing to lose but false heart failure and mythical stomach tumours.
You have no idea how much I needed this today. Thank you.
Hairclips, then you may find it helpful to read part 2 in the replies to Meyer's later posting 'Not myself what's wrong?'
I’m new to this page. I don’t know where to find it
I feel the same way
Hi Meyer, I can't imagine suffering from anxiety at such a tender age where you should be discovering your potential and yourself. There's one thing though you young and have potential to accelerate. My career success grew through one simple mentality in a new job or project id channel my head that I'm thrown with the sharks and the one way to make it is to be a whale amongst sharks... stay ahead work hard let your intelligence and potential box the anxiety so you can excel.
Hope this helps.
Same here.Its not a good feeling.I feel like I can't get back to church and all..So you think there is something wrong with you.My dad told me he has just accepted I am mentally not there.Which is frustrating.So I can totally relate in every words there