I like to talk to people. I want to have friends but its too much to ask for if everyone is just gonna backstab me or ghost me :/
Need friends : I like to talk to people... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need friends

hi and welcome you have friends here.here you will be like the rest of us and that's equal.
Hi Ash,what do you mean by back-stabbing,most people on here are good people and are only interested in helping one another.Has this happened to you before w.and welcome to this forum..We all need support and understanding give us a chance ,im here for you not against ok.
yes its happened so many many times, one by one.
if you are scared to open up how can others befriend you or help in any way,i joined a year ago and didn't know how to navigate let alone anything else I was too sick with anxiety and fear to care and anything is worth a try as I said you don't have to respond if you chose not to,its entirely up to you.!
I was never scared to open up, Im always nice and kind to people but its just years and years of betrayal and being hurts I guess got to me. I have trusting issues. I've been lied and heartbroken
Did you come on this forum for that reason ,sometimes the more sensitive types ,of which im one ,takes time ,and still im afraid of many things ,such as what the future holds for someone like me,,,,its not just about you as we all have various issues around our mental health ectbut one thing im sure of we all need to reach out ,and perhaps then communication can become meaningful.mI don't trust as much as I should ,but no one has disrespected me or whatever they have done to you ,rise above it
I am here to talk if you need!
you know I learned after years of failure. that people can only do to us what we let them. if someone does you bad move yourself away from them and move onto others. there are others out there who will not treat you that way. and everyone deserves to be treated right.
It sucks to feel this way. My suggestion is to remember that if people have hurt you, they probably have their own issues too. And they don’t know what to do about it so it ends up being taken out on you because of the person you are. Try to not take it as an reflection of you, and don’t change, but be more cautious around others. It’s okay to make people earn your trust and respect.
Hey simply_ashxx! I’m sorry that you have been hurt by friends so many times. I can relate to fearing forging meaningful friendships because they can make you vulnerable—sometimes it feels like it’s safer and easier just to be alone! But I’ve learned that’s not the healthiest and most fulfilling option, so I encourage you to slowly work to open your heart again when you feel ready. If you ever want somebody to talk to, I’ve found this is a very positive and trustworthy community. I, for one, would be glad to lend a supportive ear, as, I’m sure, would many other users on here (though I understand that talking to someone online can not be equated with a face-to-face friendship 😊).
I need a friend too. Shall we try? I suffer from anxiety and have a thyroid issue that, they can;t seem to gt under control. I am a travel RN, and have no friends or family near.