I dont know if this is due to anxiety but it is most likely from anxiety ...i feel sometimes like im not in control of my movements and speech, sometimes i feel like im not in control really which feels weird and is not necessarily scary but strange because im used to it ...
Maybe its also fatigue ..i mean im able to do anything i want , but sometimes even moving my arms feels weird and tiring ..it gets worse when im tired so it cant be a coincedence ..and i feel my muscle twitching and shaking , i also feel like im not really concious like im in a dream like feeling sometimes , its really annoying because as an 18 year old , i sometimes have late night events , hang outs, social events , and this make it awkward and scary to get while with many people and far from home, i really just want to lead a normal life but sometimes i really feel everything in life is so difficult regardless how much i try to work on improving my mental health, im not giving up but its just so frustrating that i rarely catch a break, everything is inconvinient and hard and nothing is easy to overcome and nothing feels good ..