Signs : Hey, I'm Reon I'm 17 years old... - Anxiety and Depre...

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26 Replies

Hey, I'm Reon I'm 17 years old and I'm new here! I have so many interests despite my lack of desire to continue learning for the past few years.

I know I shouldn't be feeling depressed while I'm clearly young and full of youth but that doesn't apply to me and my personality at all. I'm the silent kid who doesn't like to talk about themselves to anyone.

I joind this supportive community because I'm starting to look for signs to keep me from considering suicide. hope it will work.

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Reon profile image
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26 Replies
Marz21 profile image

Hi Reon, I was your age when my life changed for the worse in a sudden monumental way. I continued to try with Education but had to admit to myself I needed a break. I felt a great pressure to be what everyone around me was guiding me to be...clever, school, studying, exams, college or uni, and to put pressure on myself to feel ok and get on with it and know what to aim for. I had little idea what I wanted, but 6 months into what looked to be a perfect course, in perfect accommodation with no money worries, it 'should ' have been so right, but I wasn't right inside me. You know what, it wasn't the end of the world when I left, got some counselling, spoke to my doctor and my family & stayed home for a while. It felt so bad, like I was letting everyone & myself down, but it was the best thing for me. I'm 42 now, and it didn't change any opportunities, I just got to a place at my pace, and with support where I was stronger. What you choose for you, or move into in your life will still be there to jump back into when you're better. Take pressure off yourself if you can, maybe talk things over with family or a doctor. I'm always here, if you ever need a chat.

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Marz21

Hello Marz21❤

Everything you've said is so true, but I've realized that opening up to my parents is the key to it, and that's what makes me feel scared.

But I'll try to work on it with my teacher! Thank you for your nice reply, I'll be here for you too if you needed a talk❤❤

Carmencp profile image

Reon, please know you are not alone. We all have those days. Have you spoke to your parents, a councilor, your doctor. Get the help to deal with this.

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Carmencp

Hello Carmencp ❤

I've had several helpful conversations with some of my teachers who were concerned.

However, I don't think that I'll ever open up about it to my parents, especially my father, do you have any suggestions or tips on how to bring up this topic or introduce it to them?

And thank you for your reply❤!

Carmencp profile image
Carmencp in reply to Reon

Im not sure what your relationship is like with your dad. Just let him know how you are feeling. Even if he does not understand saying it out loud can be helpful. I will pray that it goes well. Remember we all are here for you.

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Carmencp

Thank you so much❤!

Mumma_h profile image

Hey reon, so glad you came here for support! Yes it's true you are young but feeling down and having questions doesn't discriminate so don't be hard on yourself , you won't be the only one at school who is feeling this way , you are not alone!! It's actually completely normal to feel this way sometimes but if it's upsetting you too much and you're having more unhappy thoughts than good ones then it's time to get some help. Why?? Because you're important !!! Your happiness is important! You are no different to anyone else who deserves to feel good and have times you enjoy!! Also it's so important to know we are all different and to embrace that . So you're a quiet person and that's ok , as long as it's not making you really unhappy. Some people are loud some people are more quiet and thoughtful some are a bit of both some are focused some are happy to just enjoy today , that's how people are, how boring if we were all the same!!!! Even in a circle of close friends each person will have different personalities, so always remember to believe in you !!!! Don't be afraid to have an opinion though in conversation, you'll be surprised how valued it can be to others as they might be quiet too. Having at least one or 2 trusted friends is important too, we don't always need loads of friends ( if this is your case) it's ok to be ready happy with were you're at . I'm much older than you but I'm more than happy with just my few close friends , this is me , and I like it !! I trust them enough to talk to them about my depression. You'll pretty much get a gut feeling who you can really trust to talk to who will give wise and caring advice. And lastly talk to an adult you can trust too , some one you know who will give good advice and point you in the right direction. A family member?A teacher ? A coach? People are usually absolutely more than happy to help !!! And will be so glad you asked!! Maybe even some one senses you're a bit down and will be so so happy you finally asked. Also going to your doctor can be a great place to start, try to be open and honest as best you can and tell them you please need help , they will refer you to councelling, possibly a youth counsellor. Sometimes it can take a couple of times before you find the right fit for YOU . Do what works for YOU. ❤️

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Mumma_h

Hello Mumma_h❤!

I totally agree with everything you've said. One of my teachers started talking to me about it whenever we both had time, which is very helping!

However, for the friends part, it's way too hard for me right now; since everyone belongs to a group already, but don't worry I'll try to work on it!❤

Thank you for your reply you were so sweet and understanding!❤

Joanne1972 profile image

Hi reon

Welcome 💐

I just wanted to say a couple of things, I wondered if you had talked to a dr about your depression, and what your thoughts are on trying medication if you aren't already taking it.

I know when you are depressed it's hard to start or finish things or get enthused about things you would normally find interesting or to really take on any new information.

I'm only really mentioning medication as on my first episode with clinical depression I went and saw my dr who put me on saved my life, it kind of helped me by pulling me out of the black hole.....I was on it for a while until I felt like I didn't need it anymore. Once you have been in depression and helped out of it you recognise the signs for it coming back and needing help again, it also helps you think logically again. It took a couple of attempts to find the right medication as some of side effects not nice but I've found the one that helps when I feel the depression creeping back in.

As for talking to your family I think it would be good to find the courage....they may already know. It would be horrible to think if you did commit suicide and they didn't have the opportunity to try and help you as they didn't know you were suffering. When you see grieving parents talking about their loss from depression they always say they wish they had seen The signs or been able to help. So don't keep this from them. I wonder if you could write how you are feeling in a letter to them and hand it to them at a time when they can really process what you have written, you could write seperate ones to different family members as they might have different attitudes n you need to word it differently to make them understand. You don't need to be there when they read it. You could also give them some leaflets or info on depression or guide them to a good website if this is there first introduction to depression

Wishing you all the best


Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Joanne1972

That's brilliant! writing a letter would be a great way to open up without feeling scared. I've never thought about that.. Thanks a lot Jo!❤

P1987 profile image

If you are wanting to figure out a way to speak to your parents about the issue you are having. Perhaps asking the school counselor or the teachers if they would help you and be a mediator and support for speaking to your parents. Don't you ever think that you are not allowed to feel the way you feel, you are dealing with some problems and you need help figuring out how to deal with it. You can't do it alone kiddo. Sending you hugs and good vibes!

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to P1987

Hello P1987! thank you so much for your sweet reply! I'll try asking my teacher soon. Wish me luck❤❤

P1987 profile image
P1987 in reply to Reon

Fingers crossed kiddo!

Kkimm profile image

Hi Reon

I remember it was rough being your age without feeling depression so my heart goes out to you.

You have had some great advice from others. My very best wishes to you and all other young people going through a difficult time.


Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Kkimm

Thanks a lot kim❤

Emmlish profile image

Hi there Reon, I really feel for you, this time in one's life is a hard one, especially if we are perhaps mature as you seem to be... I was also struggling a lot at that time and believe me, it does get so much better!! Even if you don't think so right now. Hang in there, we are here for you.

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Emmlish

Thank you so much Emmlish❤❤

gb14 profile image

hi reon! welcome ☘️ i’m also young (18), and have struggled with anxiety for quite a long time, but it’s been very hard for me this year. i know it’s very hard to open up to anyone, but you should definitely consider it. from talking to my friend about my anxiety last month i discovered she suffered from anxiety during her childhood, that sometimes creeps up on her until this day. i’m not gonna lie, sometimes i don’t talk to anyone about it, but i know it helps. i’m graduating very soon and that on top of it all is making everything worse. if you need someone to talk feel free to message me. :)

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to gb14

Hello Carolina ❤

I'm so sorry to know that you and your friend are struggling from anxiety. I hope it gets better for both of you❤

Also, I definitely relate to the graduation part! I'm not graduating soon tho. However, when someone asks me about my 'plans' I get confused, like I really don't know how to create an accurate description of what I want to become.

No1wthayla profile image

Hi, Reon. I have a daughter, 25, who is depressed and I'm 47 and also depressed. For her, it's been at least 10 years and she has tried to hide it from me. She was being roasted in social media last spring and was suicidal at the moment. I didn't know until the cops knocked on my door. She had to go for counseling for a few days. She said that she really hated being there but it had made a difference for her. She's still depressed but she is talking to a counselor.

My depression has spanned a few more years than her but I have felt suicidal myself. I just can't leave my family to deal with the aftermath of my passing. So I keep trying, cry, take medication, sleep a lot, overeat, sleep a lot, cry and on and on. It never stops. But it isn't always "bad" depression. "Just sitting in the background" depression. Always there but shoved in a corner when I am strong. It is blocking the world out when I'm weak and all I see is dark.

Your parents might not know how to help you. If you can talk to them, please do. I have my daughter's friends come over and talk to me when they can't quite talk to their own parents. I try to give them advice and support or just a shoulder to cry on. I encourage her friends to do so. I know I was hiding my depression when it started at age 10 or 11. I couldn't talk to my mom because she already had a bunch of things to deal with. I wish I had spoken to someone but I couldn't then. I don't know if it would have changed my life's direction but no one really knows.

And you can come here anytime you need a sounding board. This is the most helpful thing I have in my depression beating arsenal. People who understand depression and genuinely want to help. Hang in there. Prayers and hugs

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to No1wthayla

Hello No1wthayla, it must be hard to see your own daughter struggling too. I hope both of you get better ❤❤

No1wthayla profile image
No1wthayla in reply to Reon

Thank you, Reon.

QuintaNaRoo47 profile image

You are young with many options. My son is also very quiet. I think you are introverted and should talk to a counselor who can listen and give you the proper help. The Internet has support groups. Meetup might be a good place to start finding groups that interest you. I cannot say why you are depressed and why you want to stop learning. Perhaps taking a break from school would be a good start.

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to QuintaNaRoo47

Thank you QuintaNaRoo47 ❤❤

Grandmom7729 profile image

I felt the same way at your age and for many years after that. Everyday was so hard to go through. Finally I decided to go to the Dr (family) and told him of my depression, he put me on Zoloft which didn’t work. I stopped taking it , still suffering and once more I go to another family Dr, I had a major meltdown crying my eyes out....he saved my life, he put me on Prozac, about 2 weeks later a sound went off in my head like guitar string during the night which woke me....I went back to sleep , when I woke up the next morning I wasn’t depressed and suffering like before, I was better and have been on Prozac since. You may not need medication, but I did want to tell you my story and hope it’s of help

Reon profile image
Reon in reply to Grandmom7729

Hello Grandmom7729❤

I'm so gald to know you're getting better after being on Prozac! Keep it up!, I'm so happy that you shared this info with me. I'll try to do some research on it. Thank you so much!❤

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