I have no friends left and my family doesn't talk to me. I'm very lonely. I never imagined that this would happen to me in my senior years. I'm very afraid of dying alone in my apartment. No one likes me.
I'm lonely. : I have no friends left... - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm lonely.

Do you live in an apartment complex that has activities for seniors? It would help to get out and meet people. Can you have pets? A cat is a good companion if you like them. The statement "no one likes you" is very harsh and I am sure not true. Do you work? Maybe volunteering will help? Just throwing some different things out there. I am sure others will have more/and-or better suggestions. Take care. Things will get better.
I live in an inlaw apartment in a house that I co-own with someone that used to be a close friend. She doesn't want to bother with me anymore. Doesn't talk to me. We are trying to sell the house but no takers yet. I have a cat and she is my saving grace. I have tried going to the senior center and chatting with people there but they always have their own agenda and don't include me. I can't get a job because I'm not pleasant looking due to being unable to wear any dentures due to bone loss in my mouth.
I think there are places that wouldn't judge you on not having teeth. There are a lot of great people in the world it sounds like you've met a lot of the wrong ones. I truly am sorry for you and your personal situation that has to be very lonely & hurtful. There has to be organizations that can direct you or help you with jobs or finding volunteer work. You state your cat is your saving grace, my dog is mine, animals are angels they love you unconditionally & their love is true. An animal shelter, no kill, could be right up your alley, they are always needing volunteers & am sure would welcome you with open arms. It is normal to feel unloved or even develop a challenging disposition if that is the case , more so as a defense mechanism, but is completely understandable when people have continually been hurtful & mean to you. You can find happiness outside your immediate situation, do some searching & open yourself up to new opportunities
My cat was my best friend. I had to move away and could not keep him and I gave him to my daughter who loves him. I miss him very much. He has a sweet personality, very loving. I tried going to the senior center too. Pretty much the same experience as you. Finding a friend was difficult. I hope things get easier for you.
I can relate to you. I lived by myself for over 40 years and then I just couldn't anymore. I had no friends left, was terribly lonely, depressed and horribly anxious. I know how youmfeel. Rejected, lonely and a senior citizen alone. People are just too caught up in their daily drama to see someone who may be in need of companionship. No time for anyone. I'm sure you are likeable. I never thought that would happen to me, either. Life can be hard on older people. We are not sought after like the old days when we were younger. I hope you get some help to support your situation.
You touched on something so important. First off the world is such a different place than even say 20 short years ago, like nite & day. People are different, I used to think it was just me, but with the technology boom, people have literally for the most part forgotten how to relate to eachother , everything is done via text or emails. Since humans are naturally social animals this is very bizarre & abnormal. I don't see it getting any better only worse. We will never go back to those good old days.Generations have been raised on cell phones , social media, this is normal to them, comfortable to them, all they know & what they're used to. There are people who aren't caught up in all of that & still know how to interact with other humans & actually enjoy it. There are new groups out there where you sign up for different activities in your own community every week is a different theme, it's really great, sadly this is what it's come to, adult play dates. Best of luck to you. Look into volunteering you will help others along with helping yourself .

Wonder why it's come to this: online support, cell phones, e mails and adult play dates( I like that one). We humans invented all of this which is the antithesis of being human.
I am sorry. Sometimes family are the ones who hurt people the most. It is not easy however to just " go out and meet people" as many people say. It;s what they say when they do not know how you really feel. It also takes energy to get motivated. Have you tried a support group?
It's not easy you are right to just go out & meet ppl I get myself all ready to join and participate in an activity then back out or am a no show because I'm uneasy about meeting strangers. Goes way back to old hurts & losing faith & trust in people. Not wanting to put myself out there to possibly get hurt. When all it seems you've known is people hurting you starting with your own family, the ones who are supposed to love & support you , it is hard to trust someone you don't even know. One day I'll get up
The courage to follow through on an "adult play date", lol. I need to let myself know all those people, family included, didn't break me.

That's a great attitude. I think family should never " break" you, but unfortunately that is not the case necessarily.