Life is uncertain and when things are going good then that’s what makes it a fun adventure but I’m in a bad place and I’m afraid for some people I love and I feel my heart break and kind of helpless like. I am trying to hold it together and stay grounded. I am praying. I am hoping. I am trying my best. I guess that’s all I can do. I don’t know. I wish I would figure out what the next step is for me..and the ones I love... just when I think a door is opening up it closes over and another over again. I’ll try to be more positive and try to believe and look for the good. Just needed to get it out to someone. I feel like I’m loosing it a little bit it’s just too much it seems but I am staying as strong as I can manage. Thanks for being here for me.
Uncertain is life : Life is uncertain... - Anxiety and Depre...
Uncertain is life

I believe we have to just let go and say God you are in control. I have lived through so many storms and you brought me through. Quote the scripture, in this world you say we can have many troubles but you will deliver us out of them all. We do our best to do the right thing, to make good decisions, just do your best, then relax and know whatever happens you are equipped to handle it. Hoping, that everything will be alright. Worrying will not help, only hurt, so take a deep breathe and try to enjoy each day.

Needhelp, Muslims Ramadan fasting begins tomorrow so I thought I’d fast even though I believe in no specific religion. Maybe that will help train me, discipline me, prepare and make me stronger. Sometimes honestly I don’t know what is my best like I push too hard maybe or not enough I don’t know really don’t. Taking a deep breath. Thanks.
Fasting is always good, it helps you get closer to God when you give up something earthly and pray. It allows you to hear more clearly from God.

I’m not very motivated to pray except certain prayers I say with my kids and then besides that I just talk to God, nothing very formal. I have been feeling very far from God but I am determined to get closer. Maybe I think I will get on my knees.
Does not have to be formal, just communication. You talking to him and him speaking to your heart.

That’s my favorite type
I'm sending you a big hug. It's going to be alright! I wish you all the best 💕
How about if we dont stay strong?
What happens if we just take it easy during the difficult times. Life is FILLED with ups and downs. In this age of social media it doesnt seem like it but it's true.
My therapist gave me good advice on the subject of difficult times and coping.
She said when you are going through difficult times....that is when you need to take care of yourself even more.
Self care. Easier said than
Good idea. I will try taking it easy but that’s hard to do when I have much I’m in charge of but yeah I can let some things slip I think.
Do you think everyone struggles like us on this forum? I tend to think we have a step closer to breaking than others do like the up and downs are more intense and we cannot help it. I think it’s in our chemical makeup.
Yes I definitely do. And more people suffer like this in IRL more than the media and soceity will admit. To think that anxiety and depression is becoming more common & it's not talked about is extremely sad. My hope is that the government wakes up and implements more educational and supportive programs.
This sounds a bit how I've been feeling. I agree, we don't always have to be strong. Sometimes we need care. I think we offer try too hard to maintain that 'control' and it takes a lot of mental energy. I have to remind myself to let go of that, and take care of myself once in a while. Hugs help too xoxo.
I know how you feel, at the time nothing seems to help but later you will wonder how did I feel like that. The one thing that helps me is I will get through it, acceptance of my situation helps and patience that in time it will get better. Reading about the brain and what it does empowers me to know that I can re train my brain. Best wishes
Oh yes working on patience I wish I had the patience right now for things like meditation and to get through this easier...I like that you point out we can be retraining the brain, that’s so great. Thanks for the great reminders!
Yes, we are harder on ourselves than on others. We can't control what others do or say. And we have to remember to praise ourselves for the work we've accomplished. It's so hard to change the negative ways we think about ourselves. And when we get to the other side of being overwhelmed, it's hard to see why we got so low. What a pain in the butt. So frustrating.
I'm sorry to hear that. What made you say that you are in anbad place? I hope you don't mind.
One of my children was having a particularly tough time and seeing him in distress broke my heart and made me feel weak and sick because I wasn’t doing so well myself with my moods so I found it hard to help and hard to feel I had done all I could; it was eating at me. Thanks for asking Wordofwisdom.
oh I see, I'm sorry to hear that. No don't feel weak coz this time your son needs you most. By just talking to him, reassuring him that you're always there for him 24/7 is a great help. Just continue to show your love and support to him it could make a big difference.
im here with you..thank you for being here too...

Love that you are always just around the corner... and I am too ❤️
I have a saying on my wall that says, "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have" I am sorry to read about your pain and all I can think of is the poster on the back of my bathroom that I hung when I was in a very dark place. It says, "Be still and know that I am God." Be patient and continue to take care of you
This too shall pass.
You are way stronger then you realize!!! Just keep your eye on "HIM" and He will make a way, when it seems like there is no way😇😇😇!!!!
im confused with the picture it a painting, or camera shot..

It’s a camera shot looking down on the water with some plants and reflection of tree branches.
its amazingly mad...i think its the colour green thats doing it for me..and also the whole picture...its very nice

amazingly mad hehe...that color is actually my favorite color.
Yes I agree... I’m not on here enough and need to return but I have the exact same feeling... two steps forward 3 back .. I’m starting to believe this is how life is.. I’m taking it one day at a time
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Do you meditate? has a multitude of free programs of varying lengths. Start with one that is around 10 minutes, then build on the number of minutes as time goes on.
Requires a computer and headset.
Hi Starrlight, even though you’re feeling bad yo seem to be on the right road. We get ups and downs and I guess learning to cope with that is frustrating. I get very upset when I’m feeling ok and then bad. You want to stay moored to the good feelings. But that isn’t always how it is. God Bless LD