What is the most effective treatment for anxiety?
The gold standard for the treatment of anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This therapeutic modality has been empirically validated with research as the most effective treatment for all types of anxiety disorders. CBT is a therapy model that focuses on our cognition, the way we think, and our behaviors, the way we act. Our thoughts about a situation (a huge deadly spider) effect how we feel (afraid) and how we behave (avoid the bed). We tend to assign meanings to specific situations and the things that happen in our lives.
Most often it’s not the actual situation causing our anxiety, but the meanings we attribute; accurate or not. In our example, meanings have been assigned to spiders. It isn’t the spider causing anxiety; it’s the meaning assigned to the spider. When you suffer with an anxiety disorder, thoughts are given a lot of meaning, are taken very seriously, are repeated in the mind, and therefore have a lot of power.
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