Hi Everyone,
I have suffered from anxiety for most of my life, but I was formally diagnosed with GAD in 2010 and put on Lexapro (cipralex in Canada). It worked well for many years with CBT. A pharmacist filled my dose wrong 2 years ago and I was taking half of what I normally take. That’s when my intrusive thoughts started. It was scary. Suicidal thoughts, although, I don’t want to kill my self. It’s just an obsession. I got better for about 8 months and then I all of a sudden got my intrusive thoughts back one morning in May, 2018. I had been under tremendous stress prior - doing my masters, having two kids and working. I think I hit burn out. In any case, I have been struggling since. My psychiatrist switched me to Zoloft, but that isn’t helping my intrusive thoughts. Every time I up my dose, I get panic attacks. I do CBT, eat well, go to group therapy, exercise, naturopath, acupuncture you name it. I am now stating yoga which is helping. Did other people have intrusive thoughts that came on suddenly after a particular kind of stress? What was the stress? Mine seems to be kids and school. So I am thinking PPD? I don’t know. What medication are you on and does it help? The OCD/Pure O/intrusive thoughts are new to me and very scary. I would rather have just straight up anxiety. Love to hear how yours started and what you do to help yourself. Thank you!