We are not doctors, psychiatrists or therapists. We are people from all walks of life who have experience of anxiety and the depletion or depression that often accompanies it. Here we will share with you those things we have learnt.
We are not professionals so if you haven't already you should always talk to your doctor who is the right person to oversee your recovery.
You are not alone, everybody experiences anxiety: we all have a different threshold to anxiety overload. This is the point where normal anxiety becomes anxiety disorder. The causes are many: stress, worry, overwork, loss, grief, toxic relationships, shame and disappointment are among the usual culprits.
When that point is reached our nervous system becomes over-sensitised and we experience distressing symptoms and intrusive thoughts. For too long we have been pumping out fear hormone and our nerves can take no more. We experience panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety, health anxiety,feelings of doom and low self-esteem. Not all on the same day hopefully.
We become bewildered, what the hell is happening to me? and look for some quick-fix solution that will bring an instant return to normality.
Anxiety can affect every organ in our bodies where it imitates genuine illness. Such is the state of our nerves that we always fear the worst. Thus stomach ache must be a stomach tumour, muscular tension in the chest must be heart failure and visual shimmers mean we're going blind. Even when our doctor refers us for tests and the results are benign we think the doctors have missed something.
Symptoms generate fear which causes further nervous sensitisation which causes more symptoms causing more fear causing more sensitisaton. In this way we become caught in a vicious circle that rolls endlessly on.
First we need to distance ourselves from those things that have caused our high anxiety: be ruthless if necessary. Your future happiness is at stake!
Medications can bring respite but not cure. Talking cures can bring recovery if you find a good therapist. And there are many good self-help books written by people who know what they're talking about.
You will learn that anxiety has limitations. On its own it cannot kill you, disable you or make you lose your mind. And no matter how long or how deeply you have suffered you CAN recover: though it will take practice and persistence and the willingness to let time pass. Search the archive of posts on this forum for the things that trouble you.
You will find many people here who will give you support and encouragement on your journey to reclaim your quiet mind. You can speak without inhibitions since we are all anonymous and will never meet. So join us as we travel with high hope and great expectations along the Yellow Brick Road to recovery.