I have none of them, I hear you say. Then you are like all the English people. And like all the non-English people. And like all the people who ever existed from before the Romans when history began.
It seems we're not here just to enjoy the view. There are things to be done. We are warriors and worriers. And some anxiety spurs us on. The most we can ask is for a little time spent with friends. Time to warm our hands around the camp fire.
It's when anxiety reaches a point that overwhelms us that the trouble begins. But we are warriors trained to carry on. Only snowflakes bottle out. So we dig ourselves deeper into the midden of mental ill health.
But nobody beats anxiety disorder by doing more of the same that's making us ill. We need to make some changes around here and usually it's pretty obvious what they should be.
Claire Weekes' teachings have been around for 60 years. There are no magic bullets to beat anxiety disorder and depletion. You have to read and reread the book and begin to practice. Face. Accept. Float. Let time pass.
With the inevitability of gradualness we advance to respite and recovery. The helpful response becomes second nature: we lose our fear of fear: if we can learn to live with anxiety we will soon live without it.
Time to blow the dust off that long neglected copy of 'Self help for your nerves' known to our American cousins as 'Hope and help for your nerves'. Sit down. Open the cover. Your recovery has begun.
*no apologies for repeating this post from many years ago.