I often find myself feeling inferior to others or just plain bad about myself. I am working on confidence and also on loving myself truly. One reason I’m thinking that I am enough is that I want to do good, want to do God’s will, by simply the intention is something positive. I can’t wait until I truely am in love with myself and feel okay with myself how much happier I will be and I am determined to find it. I think growing up I was criticized constantly and expected to be near perfect. I’m healing and trying to believe I am amazing not because I did this or that or she said I was etc but I hope to learn more about why I am important. Anyone any thoughts on this?
What are some reasons why you are eno... - Anxiety and Depre...
What are some reasons why you are enough?

Right there with ya sister! Truly loving myself for everything I am and everything I'm not has been a challenging journey, but one I am delighted to be on because it has grown me spiritually in ways I never imagined. We are enough because God said we are. He should know, he created us and knew every single thought and season we'd experience before he made us.. and he still decided that we needed to be created. That's a pretty good reason to keep going... Seems like you're on the right path and I am happy to hear it! Do you have a support group (church, therapist..etc.) One thing I've learned in the last year, and have radically embraced, is the fact that I have something to offer.. I am not a mistake, defective, inferior, messed up... I am who God says I am and so are you! You are beautiful, strong, courageous, and you have so much offer this crazy world sister!
Thanks I’m so glad you have been growing on your path. I notice when I’m feeling good I feel good about myself to some extent I just really need to love myself when I am uncomfortable suffering.
Absolutely, I completely understand that! I think this is something a lot of people struggle with it's just not talked about. It's totally a journey and comes with ups and downs.. somedays you'll feel it and somedays you'll back peddle. But in the end, loving ourselves comes out of loving our creator and truly understanding and embracing who he created us to be. Keep asking hard questions and wrestling well.. and remember that you are an original!
Good insights!
yeah , its all one package..universe. its beautiful, perfect, simple, utopic; i dedicate the whole dictionary,..why wouldnt we be either? we are..we are it..every single one of us are..the centre of our universe...so, yep you and all of us are important to keep it alive..life..big hug..thats life, we are all in it hawk..and i probably couldnt do it without you guys..

😃 beautiful words my beautiful friend 😃 I take comfort in them. We are connected, every single one of us.
I am working on the same...
I think I try to think on all the things that I have accomplished and try and remember the thoughts of my loved ones always, because I am a good friend, a good person... I am enough... I have the courage and capacity to achieve great things.
We are all here for a reason... remember that!
Dear Star, never fear.
“You were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God.”—
GOD gave His only begotten Son. If we accept and appreciate that, our actions will follow. That should give us confidence to love ourselves.
I have had similar struggles. What has helped me was a saying that a wise old priest at my church used to say during his sermons. He would say God loves you warts and all. If God loves me as I am then who am I to insult him and hate myself? The priest would also say after that God doesn’t make trash. I think it takes time to change our perceptions of ourselves. Every day is a chance towards that goal. I am forty and am still working on it.

I loooove this. I don’t want to insult God no no no ...
One thing I do is in a way try to be the parent to myself that I wish I’d had. I tell myself loving things that I think I should have been told as a child. I practice acceptance and love of myself as an ideal parent would have loved and accepted me . You can even think of that ideal parent as God. Sometimes I even imagine myself as my childhood self and tell that child how much I love them unconditionally. This is just a technique I’ve used that has helped me with self love and healed some wounds from my childhood.
Thank you for this post and all of the insightful replies. This type of encouragement means the world to me.
You are important because God thought about you before the foundation of the earth and He smiled when He made you and said this is good. Let the healing virtue of God’s love answer any question of whether you are enough.