Hi all,
I’m very overwhelmed. There are a lot of things going on in my life and lots of big changes. I’m looking for a job since I’m finishing graduate school soon 🤞🏻which is two big changes in itself. My nephew who is my light and love and is pretty much the only reason I choose to live sometimes is very sick. I’m getting stressed about jobs because I don’t drive I have a very big fear. I can drive I am licensed but I get panic attacks so I don’t do it. Some jobs I want I need a car. I live in a big City so the train is easily accessible and I’ll get a job regardless but it just sucks that I have hat limitation. I really want to drive but I have such terrible anxiety. I’m also in recovery from substances and today my sponsor called me and yelled at me about something and this was triggering and I started to ball my eyes out this upset her more. I just feel like I’m not a good person and I disappoint everyone. I have all these thoughts and it’s night time and they won’t stop. I’m just so so sad. Please support. 💔