I have to give a presentation in front of people today. I get anxiety just being AROUND people let alone presenting for an hour. I am beside myself and asking for encouragement. If you are someone who prays - prayers are so appreciated. EEEEK!
Giving presentation today : I have to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Giving presentation today
Good luck on the presentation! You can do this. Deep breaths. Sending positive vibes to you. Let us know how it goes.
THANK YOU! Waiting my turn now. Ahhh!
Good luck! I know how difficult that would be for me! You should be proud that you can do this! I'm sure it's going to go great! We always just think of the worst and it never is really that bad! Let us know how it went!
Just remember as you get up there that you are THE BEST at what you do or you wouldn’t be up there in the first place. You go girl!!!
I bet you'll be great! I occasionally give lectures and I'm always nervous about them but within a couple of minutes of starting I'm generally OKAY because I'm so focused on what I'm doing. I hope you have the same experience!
I struggled with this in high school and I remember the awful feelings before during and after presenting. What helped is to scan the crowd. Try to find a few friendly faces (spreadout across the room if you can) and act as if you're presenting to them and them only. If you focus on those few faces it can be much less intimidating.
Everyone - thank you for your words of support!!!! I got through it! I am left exhausted and with a post anxiety headache but I made it through! I love this group - thanks for listening and for your words of encouragement!!!!

"Atta Girl" you did it Rose. Relax now and feel better soon from that headache. xx

Way to go! You should be very proud. Do a little something for you to celebrate now 😁

Just saw the post. Well done!
I will pray, but maybe this will help too: I have agoraphobia and PTSD. I am an RN too. Every shift meant encountering many people. Nurses, doctors, patients, visitors, bosses...….I stayed calm by acting. I would pretend that it was a play or a movie. I had my role. I knew my lines, and I became "The Nurse" in the show.
I love this! I’m going to try it too - thanks for sharing!