I have to present on something for work today and I’m scared, having anxiety. I shouldn’t be so anxious but I am. Please send supportive words.
Scared of giving a presentation. - Anxiety and Depre...
Scared of giving a presentation.

Picture everyone in their underwear. That, or picture everyone with Mickey mouse ears on. You can also picture yourself presenting to a group of cartoon characters. You can have Pluto, Mickey, Minnie, Winnie-the-Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger, etc.
I hope it goes well!

Thank you!!
You know what you want to say. You could explain it persuasively to one person. So think of your audience as a single person.
Prepare in advance. As Napoleon said: " All great battles are won the night before."
Everybody is nervous before a presentation, you're no exception. Go through what you're going to say in your mind several times.
Once you start presenting everything will come to mind. It's going to be fine, I promise.
Good luck!!!! You’ve got this! You will dominate that meeting and rock that presentation - whether it’s on zoom or whether it’s in person.
You will focus on what you can control. You will dress up and wear what’s appropriate that reminds you of how you’re capable and look it. You will take deep breaths before the meeting. You will eat a good breakfast or drink water or whatever to remember - I am taking care of myself and I am human.
It’s okay to be anxious. Your body is ramping you up to fight the dinosaurs... or the meeting. You are scared because you’re thinking about what could go wrong or how important it goes well. You care about your job. That is a wonderful characteristic to have in a coworker and an employee. I would be thrilled to work alongside you.
I wish you all the best in the presentation. I hope it goes well.
I know in public speaking my whole body would shake in terror. But I wrote the speeches and I memorized them and I passed the class. I’m proud of that. Be proud of your preparation. Celebrate when the presentation is over.
Good luck!!! Update us later.
You are the one presenting because you know your stuff
Sending you positive vibes as this too was one of my biggest fears and challenges. But as others have said You will do fine. I recently retired and I survived 36 years of having to do presentations. I never felt it got easier but I always prepared and was alway told I did a great job. Prayers to you.
Best to you!!! I believe in ya!
For several years I was an active participant in Toastmasters. They are a worldwide organization dedicated to improving our public speaking skills. They helped me immensely. I highly recommend them. toastmasters.org/
Being nervous before a presentation is completely natural. *Everybody* is nervous before any public speaking. (If they deny it they're lying.) Our nerves remind us that our task is important and urge us to prepare properly. Remember that you are the expert on your topic. In my experience, people are nowhere near as critical as I expect them to be. They are not judging your performance; they are paying attention to your content.
If you're using Power Point, allow at least 1 full minute for each slide. Make your font at least 14-point so your audience can read it easily. Use the simplest charts/graphs/illustrations to make your point. Don't try to cram too much info on a single slide; just use bullet points. Keep the fancy special effects to a minimum; they can be annoying and distracting. The best presentations are simple and direct.
And the most important tip I have -- DON'T read verbatim from your slides or notes. Your audience can read your slides themselves. Rather, you should elaborate on your bullet points with detailed information. Nothing is more boring than listening to someone read monotonously from their notes. Actively engage your audience -- yes, that means varying your tone of voice and making eye contact with them. You are actually entertaining them as well as informing them. If you find making eye contact difficult, as I still do, look just above their heads or at a back wall. Presenting over video chat is a lot easier because you don't have to see your audience directly.
Rehearse your talk a few times until you're comfortable, even in the same room as your talk if possible. Bring some water with you to your talk and drink it when you need to. This allows you to pause for a bit and your audience to think about what you just told them.
Good luck! You got this!
Hope it went well!’ I get the jitters before a presentation no matter how many times I’ve given them!
You are probably well prepared--take 10 deep breaths and give your presentation. The anxiety is there-therapists tell me to "acknowledge" it, and act anyway. I can only say that Action Cures Fear--you will be forced to do the presentation, and I bet your anxiety will dissolve as you focus on it....I know how you feel--and best wishes....