Does anybody suffer from severe anxiety and not work? I got laid off about 4 months ago and now suffer from anxiety and depression. I am finding it difficult to find things to occupy my time during the day. Does anyone have any suggestions or how do you get through your day. please help
I have a question : Does anybody suffer... - Anxiety and Depre...
I have a question

I’m in a similar situation. I’ve always had trouble with anxiety and depression, and when I lost my job 6 weeks ago, it became a lot worse.
I’ve been turning to this group often - both posting and answering other people’s posts. There are a couple of social media I look at during the day. I have two group activities that I attend weekly. Two activities a week was plenty when I was working full-time; now it’s not nearly enough. And I’ve reached out to friends and been lucky enough to have them reach back.
These things all help, but I agree with you that being unemployed and being alone can be terrifying. I’ve had some panic attacks. I have a doctor’s appointment in about 10 days, and I’m going to talk, talk, talk about my anxiety and have my meds checked.
hi Kat63, I can't believe how lost I am. I catch myself just watching the clock waiting for night to come. I need to figure out different things I can do. I play games with challenges on the computer, sew bowl pot holders, sometimes read. I am hoping I can get some more ideas from people on here. there has to be other people that don't work. I was going to group therapy for only three days thanks to insurance not picking up the tab. that was a little boring though. all I did was color for half the day. I have to figure this out.
Yes, I can relate!!! After my daughter was murdered, I didn't take anytime off, because I was in denial about her death. I have always worked very hard and very long hours as a Principal... first one there, last to leave. I was one the best in my district, and felt that the school couldn't function without me. I soon realized how wrong I was!!! My doctor, and family both told me that I needed to take time off or cut down my hours... AI said no. and rhen... boom it happened!!! I crashed and burned!!! The Superintenden took me out of work, who is a close personal friend, and after 20 years of working 9 plus hours a day...I was at home watching the!!! I started have major panic attacks, severe anxiety. and thoughts of not wanting to live anymore. Plus the guilt of not protecting my baby from her ex boyfriend, who killed her. This circle when on for years, until I finally realized with the help of my doctors, that everyday is a new day, and I. we need to understand how to just focus on one day at a time😊😊😊! I am still learning, because. as a principal. you plan your first 100 days of the school year to ensure that all students, staff, and parents have a schedule that will provide them with information. and knowledge of the school year. That what was triggering my panic attacks... not planning for just one day at a time!!! Keeping a log of your days, good or bad, looking at movies, programs that you enjoyed, before you started having these meltdowns, and only doing what you can only handle at that time, and nothing more! Please continue to stay in touch... it helps to reach out! God Bless You!!
Hey purl1,
I am in a similar situation. I don’t have a job and I suffer from anxiety and depression. The anxiety is so severe that I can’t seem to hold down a job or anything like that. I, too, find myself watching the clock waiting for night time to come so I can sleep and forget about my life, temporarily. It’s hard. I understand how you are feeling.
hi righteoustakeme, how do you pass the time?
Well, that’s sort of my problem. I don’t know how to pass the time. I usually just try and lay down and hope that I go to sleep, but I never get to because my brain is wired and on. I spend a lot of time scrolling through this app and looking for things I can read and relate to. I don’t really do much. Sorry that’s not much help. I’m just in such a tough place right now. Every day is the same. I’m sick of it.
I’m employed parttime and days I’m off are hard on me with my anxiety depression. Now I do take care of my 6 month old daughter but also get babysitter help and that helps because then I interact with the babysitter. It’s best not to be alone. Maybe go to a coffee shop or library? Or the mall?
So, I really hated this suggestion at the start, but any kind of exercise is awesome. Yoga, walking, swimming, etc. Instead of your energy turning into anxiety you use it up during exercise. Also, find at least 1 hobby you love. Mine is making music. When I’m at my lowest I start recording. By the time I finish my energy is completely refocused. I hope you find what works for you!
Hi PrimoB, I do like to take a walk here and there and I was walking the treadmill a few times a week,but I think it started becoming a trigger for me. maybe because the treadmill is down in my cellar. I felt like it was getting my heartbeat too fast and I couldn't slow down. My hobby is sewing bowl potholders. I find it hard to get going on it though. It's the initial get up and go type of thing. once I'm making them I seem to be ok. I can't wait for spring and all this stupid snow to melt so I can start gardening. that's my favorite. I'm also hoping the depression doesn't take that away from me. I have about another month or so before the snow will be gone.
I can relate! I work from home and live alone (with pets, thank goodness). My work slowed down for a couple of months and I started to get very, very dark and anxious. It's why I consented to try medications - it just got too bad. What seemed to help was taking lots of walks (I joked that I'd become Forest Gump) and reaching out to friends. I've been taking medication for 5 weeks now and things are in fact getting better. My strongest piece of advice is that you not let this go on for too long. If you aren't getting counseling and haven't tried medication, look into both right away. The sooner you can break this cycle the better. Big virtual hug to you!
I can relate because not working led to me having a bad panic attack, depression. I found a job but I feel like im playing a role there because of depression and anxiety. Today I took a sick day and I’m alone, bored, anxious.
sorry to hear your having a hard time. It's hard to make it through the day. I'm just waiting for winter to pass and spring to show up. It seems like it's taking forever. I am hoping that the nice weather will help my anxiety.
Me too. I hope it helps both of us. ❤️