After I quit my job a year ago due to abusive bosses, long hours working hours and excessive stresses, a depressive episode followed. I took meds and counseling sessions. It stirred up my bad childhood memories, my relationships with mom and friends etc. I became quite scared that I don't want to do anything new or old, I have quite a negative vibes going around sometimes. I have been suffering from insomnia very often. Sometimes I just want to talk more with others but I know my friends and family would judge me immediately. I actually tried to tell my family about my depression but they have been trying to distant more. I became very very frustrated. I want to have a peer supporting group so I'm here and hope that there would be someone who would understand me.
Depressed: After I quit my job a year... - Anxiety and Depre...

I can relate! I hope the meds and counseling are helping you. Getting through this is a process - which I find frustrating because I like 'quick fixes' - but I can tell you that as long as you keep trying to heal, you will. Hang in there.
Thanks for your message. I don't know what I can do now. I m new to this forum and hoping to get to know or talk to someone who can relate to my problems and won't pre-judge me.
No pre judging you here!
Yes I know! 😊 that's why I feel like I could talk to people here ❤️
I had the same situation whey I started my therapy - old, old pain came up. The thinking is that I never 'dealt with it' before, so I need to now. It was uncomfortable but the more I work with it the less scary it becomes. It's better to get that stuff up and out rather than festering in our subconscious. It just hurts a little more at first.
Do u get better now? How was your process? How did you get out of that period of time?
It's the old saying, 'The only way out is through'. I'm still working on it, still going to therapy, but I trust my therapist (not an easy thing to do). I'm taking his guidance and realizing that my thoughts are kind of my problem so I'm letting him guide me through it. It's getting better. I'm also taking medication now and it is helping.
I agree with what you're saying. I would much rather talk about my childhood on here than with a professional

Yes, I'm glad to find someone who could share this feeling with
I understand how you feel. A bad first job left me with depression. An abusive boss and a job that you don’t like has such a negative impact on your mental health.
Hopefully now that you have quit your job you can focus on getting better and improving your self esteem.