Feeling down today and night time is worse. I wake up in the morning hopeful to feel like my old self. To look in the mirror and feel a connection to myself. Then the day goes on and I don’t snap back to my old self and I get depressed over it. Then it turns to evening and all I want is my medication for sleep to kick in so I can heal...I don’t know what to do.
Hard day : Feeling down today and night... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hard day

Hi Coral, I’m sorry that you’re struggling. How long have you been feeling this way?
I’m having a very hard time tonight. I’m overwhelmed with grief and feeling depressed.
I’m sorry you’re feeling that way yourself. I have been feeling depressed for about 2 months but I had a breakdown about 3 weeks ago with a panic attack which lead to nights of little sleep and feeling detached from myself. I saw a psych and got some meds to help things. It’s only been a week on my meds but I am so frustrated. I hope you feel better yourself.
I am so sorry you are struggling. I pray for amazing peace and a new joy upon your day!
God is so faithful and I find pressing into worship and filling my space with life-giving messages and encouragement helps me so much. I saw that you have seen someone and on meds, and I pray those kick in fast for you. It will come, the new dawn does rise out of the darkness. I am on the side of JOY and am so very thankful God is faithful.
I do have some links to resources if you are interested. I just don't want to be listed as Spam. May your day bless you in incredible ways <3
Are the links prayers? Yes I would love them.
I love the ministry at joycemeyers.org lots of videos that are encouraging and you can reach out to the prayer ministry. I'm searching for another link at the moment.