I don't know why, but lately, I've been really paranoid. Someone asked me what I felt I was doing wrong to feel that way? My answer is I don't know. I'm going to try and get some sleep.
Is paranoia part of anxiety and depre... - Anxiety and Depre...
Is paranoia part of anxiety and depression?

Yes paranoia is a part of having Anxiety which results in over thinking, worrying and other symptoms as well. Don't worry, you ARE NOT alone!!!
I am of the opinion that paranoia is a symptom requiring a psychiatrist to diagnose. I do NOT believe it's part of typical anxiety and depression. It's never been a part for myself or many, many people that I've talked with or know well. I've been both severely depressed for extended periods and severely, highly anxious for horrendously long periods that pushed me to the brink. Never have I been paranoid unless you count a momentary feeling of being watched that I didn't desire...but no lasting paranoia...perhaps we need the definition of paranoia here so we're all on the same page.
Dictionary online definition of paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
Does any of this sound like "normal" anxiety or depressive disorders? Delusions, CPD, drug abuse, or schizophrenia are not "normal" depression or anxiety. They are problems more severe and requiring different treatment. No one should be denied appropriate treatment because someone else doesn't like to be labeled as "this "nor "that", "normal" vs. "abnormal". Please, if you have a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, it may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
Hugs, Love, and Blessings...
"Feeling paranoid" can be a component of anxiety. You'll need to tell us more so we can help you better
When I’m anxious, I feel on edge, like something bad is going to happen. I’m also much more aware of other people, and feel less at ease around strangers.
Is your paranoia different from a feeling of approaching doom?
Ok, so I've been away for a while. I got a new job. I really like it! I'm around more supportive and nicer people, yet, I still keep them at arms length. I'm going to school for my Masters Degree. Still working on getting my bills caught up. Almost there! My ex, and his wife recently took me to court for child support. His wife's idea! Still standing! Thank you all for your support! I wanted to update you! My goal with this is to make an effort to get on here a couple of times a week, just so I have the continued support. Thank you all!