I went for my first psych appointment today and the doctor prescribed me abilify. Who has taken this and has it helped for your anxiety?
Abilify : I went for my first psych... - Anxiety and Depre...

I have taken Abilify as an add on. It made me very nervous and I gained 7lbs in one week!
Medications work differently for differently though too. That was just my experience . Good luck to you
I was on abilify for 10 years. It was helpful for my bipolar disorder and anxiety. Unfortunately, I stopped taking it a month ago and my anxiety has returned.
My wife was given Abilify and the results were horrific. She had to deal with Tardive Dyskenesia which is involuntary movements. She could not tolerate it because she experienced non stop pacing. It was awful!!! Please Google it and read more about it.
How many mgs of abilify was she on? I was just prescribed 1mg but am afraid to take it. Thanks
My wife doesn't remeber. She went throught ECT and it might have erased that part of her memory. TD is awful! My wife is an example of how to find the energy and courage to fight through all kinds of mental health challenges. She is taking supplements through True Hope and it helps her deal with it all.
All the best to you and hang in there!
I took Abilify a couple years ago and didn't feel any different. The only thing it did was make me gain weight (ten pounds in one month). Afterward, I read multiple reviews on it and it seemed to be the leading issue with it.