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Does anxiety depression panic attacks and ptsd ever go away

Noplace profile image
23 Replies

I have suffered for years to the point I can no longer work

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Noplace profile image
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23 Replies
MidnightPanic profile image

I'm in the same boat as you friend. I've been dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks for over 10 years. I've had times were i've gone close to a year without panic attacks, but minor anxiety attacks have always stuck with me. When things were at there best, my mind was busy with work or school while I was seeing therapist.

I quit my job last May and being at home doing nothing has made my anxiety and panic attacks worse. Especially since September when my panic attacks started coming back. My doctor suggested I go on a daily anxiety medicine and I'm trying to work up the courage to start taking them. My nerves are so sensitive these days that I'm afraid of the early side effects from the meds triggering more panic attacks. I'm hoping they work better this time once i commit to taking them for longer. My first attempt at taking them only lasted a couple months and the results were mixed. I didn't realize i probably should of had the prescription increased since i was starting on the lowest dosage.

Stay positive friend. Hopefully it'll get better someday in the near future.

HappyThinkin profile image
HappyThinkin in reply to MidnightPanic

Im in the same boat as you. What meds did you try? I tried Lexapro and it made me significantly worse. I panicked and had to quit. Dr prescribed Zoloft now. Im afraid to try. Lmk.

Noplace profile image
Noplace in reply to HappyThinkin

Xanax Wellbutrin trazadone you name it I tried them all the above seen to work but my attacks are getting worse. I went on social security disability a little over a year ago. I hate feeling like this every day until I take the meds and can function

MidnightPanic profile image
MidnightPanic in reply to HappyThinkin

Citalopram. Generic version of Celexa. The first two weeks on it was pretty much hell for me. Vivid dreams, cold sweats, hot flashes, and insomnia were the initial side affects. But I do remember having days where i felt normal again, but i always got paranoid about taking them at the same time each night. At the time, I had a job where I was traveling a few times a year, and the time differences was screwing up my schedule of when to take the meds and it just made me more anxious.

HappyThinkin profile image
HappyThinkin in reply to MidnightPanic

I think the insomnia and increase in panic attacks is the worse as the side effects of the SSRIs. Did u take banzos and sleep meds to help you out? I have both but still terrified to initiate Zoloft. Im thiking of titrating slowly from 1/4 pill to 1/2 to full. Will ask dr about it tomorrow.

Lmk what helped you.

MidnightPanic profile image
MidnightPanic in reply to HappyThinkin

I take half a tab of ativan every night. I have Xanax for when I'm having a panic attack. Of course when i'm having a panic attack, i'm often too scared to take the Xanax because my anxiety tells me it might be something even worse.

HappyThinkin profile image
HappyThinkin in reply to MidnightPanic

Does 1/2 the Ativan help you sleep through the night? What strength?

MidnightPanic profile image
MidnightPanic in reply to HappyThinkin

Sort of. It's .5mg. These days usually once I fall asleep, i'll sleep for 4-5 hours, but my acid reflux is so bad these days it's waking me up or preventing me from sleeping at a decent time.

HappyThinkin profile image
HappyThinkin in reply to MidnightPanic

You can take acid reflux meds to help you out or elevate your pillow.

So you take half of 0.5 mg for sleep? And that's enough to put you to sleep?

My anxiety makes it hard for me to fall asleep. Currently on Ambien 5 mg but lately I've been needing another half to fall asleep. It sucks! I do have Ativan but I don't know if it'll make me fall asleep. Thoughts?

MidnightPanic profile image
MidnightPanic in reply to HappyThinkin

Consult your doctor before mixing the meds. Benzos are pretty addicting, and honestly I regret having to take them. I've tried weening off it a few times but haven't developed the coping skills to do it yet. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to move to a daily SSRI. I plan to start the SSRIs tomorrow morning.

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to MidnightPanic

I read everything here

Believe me

Don't start a SSRI

I did

I have huge panic and anxiety

I did step by step keep myself by Xanax

Because all this storys from its addictive is not really true

I was scared too the taken it but it helps

I have also trauma


And sometimes they give a very low dose off zeprexa verry low

It's als for anxiety

art62grammie profile image

Do you take medication for the attacks? I take 75mg daily of Zoloft. It works wonders for me. W

HappyThinkin profile image
HappyThinkin in reply to art62grammie

How did you do initiating Zoloft? I have terrible anxiety and panick attacks too. I tried Lexapro and it made it so much worse I had to quit. Now Dr prescribed Zoloft. Im so afraid to take it. Lmk.

in reply to HappyThinkin

Hi: so you haven’t started the Zoloft yet? I tried both lexapro and Zoloft, both made me more anxious,,,not sure what I will be trying next, just want to feel ‘ normal’

art62grammie profile image

We learn to live with this anxiety. It can keep you in bondage. We make our choice of what to do with it. We can decide to let us stay a prisoner or to free yourself. It is not easy but can be done. My recent recovery from 40 years of Anorexia has been amazing. I am a fighter. NO PTSD NOR MEMORY OF MY CHILDHOOD RAPE WILL DESTROY ME ANY LONGER. I AM SET FREE. DAILY I WILL FIGHT. I WILL ALWAYS WIN.

Noplace profile image
Noplace in reply to art62grammie

Congratulations. I can’t stop the cycle it’s in my face daily I see a therapist once a week and a psychiatrist every couple months. It helps but I want them to stop. I am paralyzed and stay in my house alot

Shancan80 profile image

I am in the same boat i am wondering when will my mind give my body a break how can i fight this so i can support my family i feel if im not careful i could lose it all have you tried meds ?

Noplace profile image
Noplace in reply to Shancan80

Yes plenty

Noplace profile image
Noplace in reply to Shancan80

I had to leave my job and as a result my income dropped dramatically so more stress

Noplace profile image

Thanks for listening

car103 profile image

Someone wrote in this thread about not working feeding the anxiety as opposed to easing the stress. I'm on disability and not having something to do is painful. I hear all of the time to relax and enjoy myself or volunteer. I just can't break being slammed by panic. I've never had good results from meds. I'm trying to remember that the heart pounding will pass.

Elfje profile image

When you taken a benzo for your anxiety gone be better

Not only zoloft because it make anxiety worser if you have only anxiety is a benzo thé best med thé taken

I know

And go to a therapist it help

Reach out for help

Talk too friends

When you bipolen never taken a med like zoloft but More a moodstabilisator like olanzanpine low doses with a benzo

Or another moodstabilisator i chould really talk too the doc

I have ptsd adhd anxiety

A bomb not Nice

mlj6019 profile image

I’m sorry you are in this bondage and I’m glad you are in therapy. I’ve been taking Paxil for years, works for me. Have you tried looking into an exercise routine? Perhaps yoga? It rids the body of toxins and stress along with regular massages. I hope you can find the right meds that work for you to find some balance. I know it would be a huge relief to you.

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