I can’t today I just can’t. I feel like this is the only place where I can come and vent without being judged. Today is legit one of those days that I just want to ball my eyes out. The world feels like it’s sitting on my shoulders. I don’t want to live anymore I truly don’t.
Sad: I can’t today I just can’t. I feel... - Anxiety and Depre...

hi sorry to hear of your struggles really hope things pick up.none of us like the way we are at times but we need to keep getting support and striving for change.im sure you do want to live but just not as it currently is.keep talking keep the faith.
Hi Raiinbow08,
I am sorry you’re suffering. I know how you feel as I have been there before. What I am pretty sure of is that you don’t want to die. It’s likely that you don’t want to feel the burden of what you feel like you’re carrying anymore.
Please seek some help - look for a therapist in your area that can work with you on your depression symptoms. If you’re truly feeling like you want to end it, go to the local emergency department and get admitted. It’s a hard thing to do but sometimes that’s what it takes to feel better. You may need others to take care of you until you can take care of yourself again.
Sending you peace and love
Hey there Raiinbow
I'm in the same place today.
How about we set down together and cry...think about how bad things are...
And then get up tomorrow and see if it's any better. If not...we will repeat the steps until it is.
You are not alone. I'm struggling today.
I love you. You matter.

Thank you so much 🖤
Hi Raiinbow.
Sorry things are difficult right now. I'm happy you reached out. We're here to support each other. Cry if you need to. It's ok. Here to listen if you want to talk more.
You are cared about..
Hi rainbow, I’m sorry you’re going through such a tough time right now but you need to know that things WILL get better. I promise you. I once wanted to end my life but I thought It through time and time again and thought to myself, would I really want to leave people feeling the same way I did? No. Suicide doesn’t solve anything it just passes the pain down to someone else. Remember it’s okay to cry but it’s never okay to end your life. Don’t let this mental illness get the best of you. It’s trying to knock you down until you can’t get up and DO NOT LET IT ! You are better than that. I know you are. This world would simply be so different without you. I know you feel alone in this but we’re all going through similar things in this life. Life’s tough but you can still enjoy it. THINGS WILL GET BETTER!
I am in the same place today unfortunately. Depression has been worse than ever lately. It’s so hard because I am in such unbearable pain but yet I can’t possibly describe it to the people around me. They have no idea what it feels like.
That is why this forum is nice. We all understand 100%, and as you said don’t judge. I hope you find the strength you need to get through this. I’m right there along with you.