For the last few weeks, i can’t seem to function, even my days alone i panic, every minute of everyday. I quit smoking almost 10 months ago, quit drinking almost a month ago. I can’t seem to calm down or relax. Even on kalanopin i just can’t be ok. I’m two minutes away from checking myself in, i can’t afford a private place, I’m so scared to be around other people and things. I just need help but am scared of life. I feel so lost, all I do is cry. I can’t even get sleep.
panic attacks: For the last few weeks... - Anxiety and Depre...
panic attacks

Iloveunicorns317, you've given up the crutches you were leaning on and probably
had not adjusted yet. Also, as good as the medication is, it's not the full answer.
I went through the same thing at one point. Too afraid to live, too scared to die.
Panic and fear built up in me to the point that I did decide that I needed more help.
Crying and shaking were now out of control. I told my doctor I wanted to walk in to
the hospital and not wait until I had to be carried in.
Those weeks that I spent in-patient was the best decision I could have made for myself.
We all know when the time is right for 24/7 support. I chose to have no visitors, no phone
calls, no mail. This was going to be my time to work on me. I gave 100 plus of myself while
in. Counseling, Medication changes and most of all taught ways I could change my way of
thinking as well as address the fears.
You took your first step in getting help by coming to this caring community. Listen to
other people's experiences in how they dealt/deal with overwhelming anxiety and fear.
Hopefully you will get a clearer picture of what you need at this time of your life.
Wishing you well and Welcoming you to a great community of virtual friends xx
I'm sorry to hear that
get the help you need but in this group we’re all here together so get your feelings out it helps to talk about it
Congratulations on getting yourself clean. It takes courage to do that and you should be so proud of yourself. You are free and your body is rejecting at the moment. It will get better and every day that goes by you are winning. Perhaps you need a different medication to help you during this time. The way through is difficult, but can be done, so get more help from your health advisor. It is better to have medication help than revert back to alcohol. Hang on in there because it’s just more time you need to get through. The feelings are horrendous but they can’t hurt you and even if you feel they will never go, they will. The body has a wonderful way of healing itself. Sending you hugs, love and prayers.