I was in a toxic relationship no one could tell that I was... when I broke up with my ex I was fine for a couple months, then I started to have panic attacks when I see him, I can’t even hear or see him if I do straight panic attack and I can’t avoid him I see him every week for school! My friends try their best and steer me away from where he is but I see him before they do and..there comes a panic attack. I wish this will end soon it probably won’t I can just keep wishing I guess :/ .
Panic attacks: I was in a toxic... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic attacks

When you’re having a panic attack, try taking 10 slow deep breaths.
For deeper, more long-term help - is there someone you trust that you can talk to about this? A teacher or a counselor, maybe?
Have faith the panic attacks will eventually lessen over time. When you see or hear him, your memory of the bad relationship is automatically triggered and your body responds with a panic attack. It's all done unconsciously in a nanosecond before you consciously recognize you're having a panic attack. It's your mind-body connection designed to protect you even if the threat has subsided. Try not to focus on the panic attack as it makes it worse. Recognize this is an automatic response to bad memories, and that you currently are in a better situation now that you're no longer with him. Focus on how much better you are without him, how great you are as a person who deserves to be in a positive relationship, and try as much as you can to avoid him. Keep engaging with your friends in this effort and focus on the future. It will take practice and don't give in to the panic attacks or beat yourself up for having them at this time. This will pass.
It will go away over time it took me 15 years for mine to go away after an abusive relationship. The only way I was able to make them go away was to face him and be nice so we could be friends since we have a son together
Think about the things that trigger your panic and write them down. This will help you understand what to expect when you cross paths w your ex. And if you know what’s coming, your mind is prepared, which takes away the sting of the feelings coming on unexpectantly.
One thing that works for me is cold showers. Give it a try. It’s painfully cold, but the shock of the cold calms the nervous system.
“May you be happy; may you be healthy; may you be peaceful.” Good daily mantra to direct towards yourself and others.
Toxic meaning abusive?
Does the panic come from fear of him doing or saying something to you? You are in public, so safety is higher. Are you a student? Does the school know about this?
Research "grounding techniques" and then "shame". Get into group counselling so you get some strategies and support.
Don't focus on blame. Focus on growth. If you know what is toxic, you can prevent it happening again.
Good luck.