My job is having a little Christmas thing and I’m in the bathroom down the hall having a panic attack. I’m freaking out. Everyone is in the room eating and I’m down the hall, in one of the restroom stalls. Idk what to do. I just want to run off and leave.
Social anxiety at work: My job is... - Anxiety and Depre...
Social anxiety at work

I just saw this Racheezy. Are you back home yet?
It happens, we can't beat ourselves up as embarrassed
as we feel. Believe me, people don't focus in on us. I hope
you feel better and relax some tonight. You did the right
thing in removing yourself from the over stimulation of the
party and talking. Our nerves are just so over sensitized that
we can't handle a lot. Hugs, Agora1 xx
I just left. I sat there for like 10 minutes just trying my breathing exercises and stuff. Once I was calmer I went back. I did have some trouble eating. I’m just glad it wasn’t bad to the point where I was crying.
You did achieve a win Racheezy. Maybe not fully like you would have wanted it
however, you did go back and push through. Be proud of yourself for staying.
As difficult as pushing through is, it will eventually lead to it no longer happening.
The thing I do with my breathing is start it before it even has a chance to escalate.
The minute I feel that I may be in a position to get anxious, I automatically go into
deep breathing. I use it when driving, shopping, watching tv etc. It keeps my
nervous system at an even keel. Breathing properly will divert shallow breathing,
adrenaline rushes as well as a generalized overall nervous feeling.
Relax tonight, you so deserve it. xx
Bravo, you faced your fear and passed through it. Do what you fear and the death of fear is assured. Easy to say but hard to do I know but you handled it just right with the breathing thing to release natural tranquillisers and then just getting on with things.
May I suggest a book which has helped me and thousands of others to master our anxiety and the deoression that comes out of it. Not just any old book, a short book, no technical terms. It was published half a century ago but is in its 40th reprint. The book was written by Claire Weekes and is called simply 'Self help fof your nerves' in the UK and 'Hope and help for your nerves' in the US, available from Amazon.
It is the book in which Claire Weekes, a psychiatrist, first set out her acceptance method for recovery from anxiety disorder. The book is lufe changing.
Yes! I’ve actually been looking for a book that would give me a better understanding and handling of all this. I’m coming more into terms w it and have even started to think about seeing a doctor. Before, I refused to accept and admit that this was going on. It started for me I was in college. I wished everyday that I’d wake up one morning and be “normal.” I’m just tired of letting it control me now. It was either I hide in the bathroom forever and possibly lose my job or I deal w it.
I hope you are feeling calm now.
Don’t beat yourself up too much. There’s been plenty of times when I’ve had to remove myself from a situation due to anxiety.
It’s okay 🖤
This actually just happened to me in the same situation. I just sat with the uncomfortable sensations and then excused myself when I felt like I was calmer. Boundaries are so key, and if I am not enjoying myself then I won't force myself to stay in that situation. I hope the rest of your day improves!
Hope you are okay! Panic attacks are no fun
You did the right thing! If you have panic attacks the best thing is to go to a safe place. Good fast thinking!!