Panicking: Someone please help I feel... - Anxiety and Depre...

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44 Replies

Someone please help I feel as if am dying right now and am home alone.

I feel dizzy symptoms of fainting choking and running out of breath.

44 Replies
Catwoman2018 profile image

Hi Kelvin, are you okay? Try to slow your breathing, I know it's hard but once your breathing slows, the panic starts to ease.

in reply to Catwoman2018

This thing is painful.

Am trying that.

Its worse even when am laying down.

Everything is having a hard time typing.

I just wish there was a quick fix to this

Thank though catwoman .

Let me try

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

It took me a long time to be able to do deep breathing, I used to hyperventilate and almost pass out. I'm here anytime if you need to talk or just listen, you're not on your own.

in reply to Catwoman2018

Thank so much cat woman.

Its feels good to know that am not alone.

All my wish is that this condition would go just feels like a death sentence

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

Do you take any medication for anxiety?

in reply to Catwoman2018

No I don't.

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

Maybe if your suffering is really bad, the doctor could give you some medication, it definitely helps. I take one that is for anxiety, depression and ocd and I'm so much better now.

in reply to Catwoman2018

I tried before but being in a third world country.

Its bad .

Since I stopped working can't even afford to see a doctor.

In public hospitals they not helpful at all.

So I have thought of fighting it naturally but am.failing

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

Aww I'm so sorry you are not able to get any help, what country do you live in? I'm from the UK.

in reply to Catwoman2018

Am original from Zimbabwe but now based in Southafrica with my brother who works odd jobs just to keep us going.

I was working before and had a good job but had to.move in with him because of my condition which has already damaged his salary.

But I believe I will be fine if I take the coping mechanisms daily till am.well and I don't know how long it will take

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

I really hope you are able to manage the attacks and that they get easier. I'm glad you have your brother and not totally alone. I do work, I'm lucky, it must be very hard for you. If you ever want help or just a chat, just message me, I'll always be here for you. Try and stay strong. Sending you big ((hugs)).

in reply to Catwoman2018

Thank so much catwoman.

Just talking with you for the past thirty minutes I have calmed down.

Thank also for the hugs.

I really needed that.

Funny thing is in our country a lot of people still don't understand that this thing is real.

Thank so much catwoman would always appreciate your chats

in reply to


Catwoman is so right. Breathe... in through your nose, out your mouth. Slow and steady wins the race!

Try to tell yourself that you are physically OK.... you are safe. Breathe. I’m so sorry you’re feeling so badly. You have my support and I’ll talk to you as well, if it will help!

in reply to

Thank so much lastnerve .

Just the time I spent talking to catwoman I realised the choking sensations where gone.

I feel at easy right now and taking the slow breaths.

Thank last nerve I really appreciate all the support I can get.

in reply to


You are never alone! You have us here to help, if we can. We all know the pain of anxiety. Sometimes just talking to someone who knows what you’re experiencing can be helpful. I’m so glad that Catwoman was there for you! Reach out here again, anytime you need to. Help is only a text away!

Wishing you peace.

in reply to

Thank so much last nerve will continue to do so

in reply to

Last nerve would you happen to know of any over the counter medications that I can take since I currently can't afford to see

in reply to

there are various safe over the counter herbal supplements that may help! I will get back to you with concrete names... oh, just thought of one... camomile! You can drink it in tea.... can be very soothing. Worth a try!

in reply to

Oh ok thank so.much last nerve.

Much appreciated.

Meds also have side effects.

But am willing to try anything that would help me recover and get back to my life

in reply to

Kelvin! Just checking in! I did a little asking and another herbal supplement that works well for anxiety is Kava. My doc has recommended that I take a good multivitamin since I’m on meds. That might be a good idea for u too!

I hope you’re feeling better and wishing you well. Sending you a healing hug! Be well! 😎

in reply to

Thank very much last nerve much appreciated.

Will do the multivitamins and check also if kava is available in our country.

I have managed to take 100m walk it was hard and scary but I did it.

I just told myself am good and am not going to faint .

I want to try it again when I gather enough courage.

Thank so much last nerve I receive the beautiful hug thank

in reply to

Exercise is the BEST medicine! ( it increases the release of endorphins)... good 4 you for taking that walk! Do it again, and again! I’m happy that you’re taking steps ( literally 🤣🤣) to feeling better! Its a start in the right direction!! yay!! now...sending you 2 hugs! I do care about you, K! 👍🏼😎🎈

in reply to

Thank so last nerve.

I really appreciate having you in my corner and the fact that you care aswell.

Thank so much last nerve and am sending back a hug of my own for appreciation as well.

I will not lie today was also heavy but I have managed to get through the panic attacks and choking feelings.Reading through the emails here as well has made me even more safer that am not alone.

in reply to

You can’t expect magic, K! It’s a process.... keep doing what you’re doing.... reaching out for help, taking walks, reminding yourself that you are OK! Pick up a book or a magazine.... divert your attention to something

( anything) other than your anxiety! You CAN do it. I still struggle, and I can really have some bad days.... but when it happens, I try to involve myself in other things! I love talking to people here.... it helps so much to know I’m not alone! K.... talk with someone who’s hurting and reaching out... share what helps you! It’s a great way to feel some purpose in your life.... plus helping others ( or at least trying to) will feel good! Truth.

P.S. I’m in your corner! We both struggle; you’re not alone! 🤗

in reply to

oh forgot. im always here if you need to chat, or are having a hard time!

in reply to

Thank so much lastnerve .

I will do exactly what you have suggested in terms of finding a distraction and not focusing on the anxiety.

You have truly been an inspiration so far and knowing that you are fighting pushes me to do even more .am also in your corner , we can definitely fight this together.

Just being on this platform has given me hope and a chance to fight back

Thank so much last nerve

in reply to

You’re helping ME in so many ways! I honestly do not have the answers, but I speak about what helps/helped me. You’re not fighting alone! Just fighting! I’m so glad I am able to inspire you! ( that alone amazes me!)

in reply to

Catwoman would you happen to know of any over the counter medications that don't need a prescription that can help with this condition

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

Sorry for the long time delay in replying, I don't know of any over the counter medication but I will try to find out and get back to you. Hope you're ok. I'm so glad I was able to be there for you earlier. :)

in reply to Catwoman2018

Thank so much catwoman.

Will be waiting.

Don't be sorry about the long reply because you also have a life to live besides this.

I appreciate every effort you make.

Am feeling better because am.about sleep.

I really feel at ease when am about to sleep

Catwoman2018 profile image
Catwoman2018 in reply to

Hi Kelvin, how are you? Hope you're ok, just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and if you need to talk, just reach out and message me, will be here for you. x

Xena13 profile image

You are not alone!!!! Deep breaths, try to stretch out each part of your body, download an app to help relax each part of you!! Get to your doc and try a different medication. You just haven’t found the exact formula to help you get through a crisis. Don’t give up.... it is hard but you can do this.

in reply to Xena13

Thank very much Xena really appreciate the support.

Will look for an app

Hey K! 👋🏻... hows it going??

in reply to

Hey last nerve its been hectic.

I didn't sleep that much .was restless choking feelings and dizziness plus heart palpitations.

Am not even sure what triggered it.

Right now its the dizziness and choking feelings that am feeling.

Still trying the calming techniques.

Am sure I will be well

in reply to

Oh darn! K... work on your breathing. Think about you actually breathing. Nice and slow. In through the nose and out of your mouth. Sometimes I close my eyes when doing this so I can block everything else and concentrate.

I think if you can master the breathing, your heart palpitations will slow and even stop. I think you’re body is doing the “fight or flight” response. Google it... a lot of helpful suggestions on understanding it and how to manage it. Please do that and tell me what u think!!

Now, distraction and exercise! Take that short walk. Googling will be your distraction!!

I wish u could see a doc! I’m no professional, but just have insight because I’ve done all the above to help my symptoms!!

Thoughts?? and check on KAVA!

im pulling for you, friend! ( tell me again where u live??)

in reply to

oh and diet! and drinking lots of water... all good for the dizziness!

in reply to

diet meaning, try to have a balanced one! 🍎🥒🍞🥩🥚🥗🥘

in reply to

Thank lastnerve you don't know how much it means to me.

With you being there talking and guiding me through this.

Trust me everything that you have suggested so far am actually doing them and they helpful.The breathing techniques help a lot.

I am originally from Zimbabwe but based in Southafrica.I came to southafrica for work purposes then this anxiety and panic attacks started which have made me not to even afford a doc neither a special diet so I do with what I have to manage the symptoms and everyday am hoping that I snap out of it so I can get back to work and become financially independent again

Xena13 profile image
Xena13 in reply to

I hope you are feeling better. We are with you!

in reply to Xena13

Thank so much.

Am working hard on my recovery

Oh really idramjet thank .

I hope it comes in capsules that I can easily find from a local drug store.

Much appreciated

in reply to

Yes, they come in capsules. I’ve gotten them at grocery stores and drug stores and they are relatively cheap. Merry Christmas!

in reply to

Merry Christmas to you 2 hope you having a pleasant one.

Will go to drug store tmrw morning

Thank so much

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