The sadness of the world is overwhelming me. There is a homeless guy sleeping outside across the street and I feel so badly for him - it rained in the night too. I've tried to help him before - brought him coffee and food - but feel at a loss as what else to do for him today beyond that. I'm also very angry that we, as a society, aren't taking care of these people. It all just breaks my heart and I can't stop crying. I feel like everywhere you look there seems to be bad news. Don't know what to do to feel better about it, but thank you for letting me vent here.
Having trouble dealing with things today - Anxiety and Depre...
Having trouble dealing with things today

It is nice to meet someone with a tender heart. Such things really bother me also. But I do believe better days are to come.

Thank you.
I agree with you. I don't know of any solutions, other than the kindness you've already shown. Our country is so backwards on this matter, and it breaks my heart as well. Keep trying to make the world a better place, but not at the expense of you, if that makes sense... ☮️
I can relate, some days it feels all bad but its not, you have to look for and connect with positive experiences on purpose, connect with positive energy
I get triggered by anything or anyone who appears to be lost, alone and frightened. I believe that that’s because there’s a little girl in me who is lost. alone and frightened.
It took a lot of therapy for me to work with that broken part of me. I’ve healed to a certain degree but still get overly upset at times. I’ve had to build up some calluses emotionally. Not that I don’t care. I just had to come to the belief that a higher being than me had to rule the world.
I can’t take on everyone’s pain. The Universal Spirit has to take care of things and people. It may seem that it’s not working. But I have to have faith that someone or something is in charge.
And then I have to put on blinders on. And not watch those terrible abandoned animal’s commercials.