Wow: My Mother In Law just called me... - Anxiety and Depre...

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My Mother In Law just called me “worthless “ based upon misinformation and assumptions and later my wife tells me she hopes I die on the way back to where I am going and to Fu€¥ off. A Father who would take a bullet in the head for his children any day to protect them and who has risen to the ranks of being the leader of an organization is far from worthless in my mind but maybe I am wrong. Even though you are struggling with depression and anxiety and those closest to you know it, sometimes they have their own agendas regardless and continue to try to take you down like they have for so many years so they feel superior.

18 Replies

I'd not be having much to do with the two of them if they spoke to me like that.

Are you still with your wife?

in reply to

After what happened tonight which happened in front of my daughter, I will be filing for divorce next week.

in reply to

In front of your daughter, that's awful.

I hope you will be ok.

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They have always tried to bring the kids into it and she has tried to pit them against me. My daughter is 15 and she shares her biggest fears, boy problems and needs with me so she knows better. I will definitely be okay once I am free from those two 😂

in reply to

Glad to hear that berad. 👍

Annst profile image
Annst in reply to

Your wife may be following her mother's lead. That's a hard thing to break.

Midnightwolf1 profile image

I don't understand women sometimes, and I'm a woman. (Well a 16 year old girl but same difference) I mean from the little you wrote, you've probably done everything for her and your kids. You not 'Worthless' if you work and have worked your a** off to get to the top to being the leader of that organization. And you have no reason to die. I mean, is she blind or stupid? (If that's too much just let me know. I don't want to overstep any boundaries.) And you don't talk like that or fight in front of the kids. I know from experience what that's like. I mean, she could of at least waited till they went to bed or in till you two was alone. I would honestly just forget her. Take the kids and leave her. But I hope everything works in your favor in the end.


{Sorry If I did overstep any boundaries or said something I shouldn't of. I feel like I ranted and I did not mean to do that.}

in reply to Midnightwolf1

No you didn’t overstep at all! I appreciate you giving me that feedback! I have definitely sacrificed a lot to get where I am for them but sometimes greed can take over and sometimes people do everything they can in their power to try to bring someone else down in order to bring themselves up. That is what is happening here for sure. Not only did it happen in front of my daughter almost your age, my 6 year old boy was balling his eyes out and wanting to come with me. It’s heartbreaking for sure.

Midnightwolf1 profile image
Midnightwolf1 in reply to

I can understand to a point. Kids don't understand and what happened in front of a young child is hard. I remember when I was about 6 or 7. My dad came to my nanas house with his girlfriend or wife. Mom and Dad and The wife was arguing about something. Me and my little brother was in his car. Mom kicked the front of the van and one of them said to run over her. I cried cause what is a 6 or 7 year old supposed to do? He might remember that and he might not.

I used to babysit these 3 little girl and my brother when I was 11. Babysitted them all the time that I was partially their mom. Their mom and my step mom was out all the time and Dad was working 24/7. Leaving them was the hardest thing I had to do till recently. I have never trusted their mom and I was right about her. She got her kids token from what I was told. But I can understand to a point where you are coming from.

But I could never understand greed and bring someone down to lift yourself up. Me, I bring someone up and it makes me feel a little better about myself.

in reply to Midnightwolf1

Absolutely! Keep that attitude and you will be just fine! My motto is, success is not measured by how many things you have or what your status is, it is measured by how many people come to your funeral because you have touched their lives in a positive way! How many people are truly willing to reach out to you and help you is what matters. My Father, a factory worker died several years ago and there were soooo many people that showed up to his funeral that we didn’t know with a story about how he impacted their life in a positive way. That is what being a good human being is about in my opinion.

Midnightwolf1 profile image
Midnightwolf1 in reply to

It is. I just recently lost my cousin. She was 11 years old when she past. She impacted so many lives. At her funeral, most of her friends was up there. Her school made her a post with their favorite memory with her and a book with personal notes in there for her and her little sister (She survived). She loved everyone and helped when she could and even when she couldn't and everyone loved her. If everyone was like that, then this world would be so much better. My new motto is 'Live For Harley'.

BlueBelle06 profile image

No, you are not wrong! That's exactly how we need to confront our own feelings of worthlessness and what others day about us...speak the truth! Keep speaking the truth to yourself about what you know - you are a good father who would do anything for his children and you have worked hard in your life. THAT is not worthless. THAT is someone who is important to others and has purpose in life. Those were harsh terrible words that she said. We can't change other people, only how we react to them. I so needed to see your post today because I'm dealing with negativity from others as well and struggling with believing it.

in reply to BlueBelle06

Thank you for your kind words! My career is a very negative environment every single day with a few positives each day for the most part. I have started becoming numb to what others think but that last night was a little bit of a shock. Definitely not the way to get your spouse back. Hang in there today. Everybody has an opinion but as long as you know who you are nothing else matters.

trapis2 profile image

Oh my goodness! You are surrounded by some pretty awful people. Your wife sounds like a real dozzie, evidently learned from her mother. I think you should at least do a seperation from her if not a divorce. Sounds like she is really toxic for you. Get the H--- out of your situation soon. Just what I understood from your post. Maybe I'm way out of line and you do whatever you feel is best for YOU !!!!

in reply to trapis2

Definitely toxic!!! I will have an attorney this week and start the process. I feel better already with just the thought of being out from under all of that for 20 years!

trapis2 profile image
trapis2 in reply to

I never really advise a divorce, but there are situations where it is necessary and I think your's is one of them ! Good luck and hope you don't have to put up with that verbal abuse any more !!!

Family always has a way of making you feel loved eh? Maybe they are feeling stress from the holiday season?

fossygma profile image

Whoooo cares what she thinks anyway, don't give her any power. Laugh at that nonsense! BTW : the big middle finger really irritates people (snicker snicker)

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