My 14 year old son is struggling with anxiety. He is at a point that he doesn't care if he misses school. He is especially fearful of going into one of his classrooms as he had a panic attack once on the way there.
Wondering if anyone knows of a meet up group for teenagers in the Los Angeles area. I think it is important for him to know that others are going through the same thing. It would also help to bounce ideas off of one another.
Also, I just recently discovered a book and program (Panic away) written by Barry Mcdonagh. The concept seems to me to be worthwhile and effective. We watched the panic away videos together, and it described his symptoms to a tee, however he doesn't seem to think it would benefit him. I just think it's the anxiety talking. He also doesn't like putting in the work. All he wants to do it seems like is take magic "herbs" to be healed.
I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance.