I suffer from PTSD depression and anxiety. My husband is verbally abusive and I have no friends left. I’m not happy and would just like some friends or at least people that understand my situation.
Overwhelmed : I suffer from PTSD... - Anxiety and Depre...

Good talk with ur husband and share what you feel
Hi don’t be so hard on yourself we all have our good days and bad ones. And have u talk to your husband about how u feeling and not right for him to be verbally abusing u when clearly you’re going through some thing and am here if u want to vent is ok to be unhappy and is ok to be uncomfortable
I get what you're going through. I suffer from depression and PTSD and WAS in an abusive (verbally and physically) marriage. The worst part is, I went into it knowing it was wrong for me, but that's what I do ~ I create situations I feel I deserve. I imagine that's where you are. You know what? WE ARE WRONG. We deserve to be happy, to be loved, and to be treated with respect. If you think about it, we are stronger than most as we get up each day and do what we need to (when possible), all while smiling while we feel we are suffocating. Be kind to yourself in your actions and your thoughts, and start making a plan to make yourself happy. I wish I knew how to fix this for you, but all I can really do is offer support. You're not alone.
Sending hope and love your way!
Hi RaeLea,
I'm sorry for what you are dealing with, it sounds very difficult. I am going to suggest that you not share your feelings with your husband. People who are verbally or emotionally abusive often get ammunition for themselves when you open up and become vulnerable with them. Rather, I recommend a fantastic book by George K Simon called, "In Sheep's Clothing- Understanding and dealing with Manipulative People". The way to deal with verbally abusive people is to correct their poor behavior, then back off and let them decide if they want to make the right change or not. Well that sounds easy, right? It's not- so check out the book! It is one of the two books that changed my life (the other being the anxiety recovery book by Claire Weekes, Hope and Help for your Nerves )
Hello dear I know actually what your going through my x husband was the same way I was lonely without friends just my kids and my pets he was mean to us in all ways and he is going to leave Colorado and I'm so glad I will be free of him in the same state I feel for you if you ever need to chat im here I will chat with any time ok have a nice night
Abuse is never ok. And yes it is such a lonely place with you suffer ptsd and depression, even when you have people around. Do you have any outlets like church, support groups, other groups? Being isolated will make things worse as you well know. I know I would isolate myself when I was deep into the pit, by the grace of God He brought me out so please know there is hope. Thank you for reaching out. I am praying for you. -Rachel
Thank you Rachel - I do need to get back into church. This is the only support group I’m on. I even got off of Facebook because everyone seems so happy it just makes me feel even more alone.
I also need to get back to church. I feel so lost and sad. I know my anxiety and depression are a result of all the things I cannot control for a very long time now. I know my husband won't go with me. But I am going to start going and possibly taking my daughter too who is on the autism spectrum. She does not do well in church so much, but I feel her and I need it desperately. It is just hard finding the right church.
I will be praying your find the right church. I know I like to look for a Bible believing church. Praying for you too.
Make sure it is a good church! The big money ones often push aside any child who is "different." Take time to make a good choice. I am a preacher's kid, and that preacher is doubly the reason for my PTSD. By his own violence and emotional abuse, and because when I was walking home from school alone on a dirt road in the middle of the woods, and two men with a rifle tried to force me into their truck the preacher did NOTHING. Nothing. Make sure it is a good church. Compare everything they say and do with what the Bible says. If they use half a verse, or just 1 isolated verse as the basis of the sermon...…..get out.
Thank you everyone for reaching out- I appreciate it and need it. I’m doing my best to just be an audience for him and keep my distance in the meantime. Every day he wakes up he’s bitching about something before he’s even out of bed. It’s miserable.
dear, Take care of yourself don't let men run your life you control who you want in and around you that is good people is the best thing for you ok dear Hugs