I woke up this morning and immediately started using Dr google. Why can’t I just feel normal? I am going to try and go to the beach today to relax. The last year of my life has literally been hell. At least I feel like I got 8 hrs of solid sleep last night. That never happens lol.
Dr Google: I woke up this morning and... - Anxiety and Depre...
Dr Google

I totally understand where your coming from. I’ve been that way since before May of this year. Every ache or pain I immediately think the worst. Most days I don’t feel like coming out of the house , but then I do have some good days. I try to stay off of google now though because it only makes me worse.
I totally agree. I’m having so much muscle tension this week. I think the tension is in my chest and sometimes it hurts to breathe in deep. Usually when I am focusing on how I think I can’t breathe. I hate this so much. I function outside of the house. It actually gets worse when I’m at home doing nothing. I want to go to the doctor even though I just got checked out
Yes I’ve been to the hospital numerous times in the past months for the same stuff & same results each time ...nothing wrong. But I definitely feel different than that. I just started physical therapy yesterday trying to ease my muscles that are beyond tense. It’s hard living like this every day..if I didn’t have my kids I’m not sure how I would get through every day
I couldn’t agree more. Everyday day is so hard. By Friday I am so drained and tired. I might need to go on meds because I think a lot of it happens in my sleep and I wake up still tired. I love my kids too. It makes me sad that I am not the man I used to be. I used to look and feel like Superman. Now I look like Superman but I feel so horrible all the time. This all started with sharp pains in my chest on Monday. Now my chest is tender and sore. It almost feels bruised. My lower and upper back hurt. I just want to be normal. It’s nice to hear from people going through this. The breathing thing freaked me out and if I think about it enough it happens again. My anxiety makes my systems come and go all day long. I just want to get through this and help people deal with this. I also want to do something to stop steroid abuse. This has been so incredibly hard. People have no idea how hard it is.
The beach is my happy place where I go to escape..hopefully it will wash away your worries- even just for a moment
Web md looking up my symptoms. Thank you
Anxiousdude, I did the goggle thing to, but will not do that anymore because I always go to the worst possible outcome for my symptoms. Always try to dianose myself. Sorry about the spelling, I have little medical knowlege ,but they always tell you to be informed and read all that stuff that comes with meds. Not a good idea in my case.
I'd say doctor Google triggers a lot of anxiety in people. Maybe you would feel better if you stopped doing it.
I understand completely. I spend hours upon hours convincing myself that I have a number or diseases. The only thing I have found to work is just acknowledging it and not judging. Like this, "I know I do not have this, however if it makes me feel better I will have my doctor check.This in no way shape or form defines me." I know it sounds cringey, but saying it out loud helps. You can always talk to me if you need to.
I forbid myself to go on google , instead I seek for advice on here , there is always someone you feels the way you do .
Hope you are feeling better after that nice walk on the beach !
Don't be too hard on Doctor Google, he can bring reassurance as well as scare us half to death. So we have a particular symptom, a pain maybe, and we consult Doctor G who tells us that is the symptom of some serious illness. But don't stop there, read on, because the Doc will then tell you that it's much more likely to be something else that's not at all serious. That brings badly needed reassurance.
But of course we're suffering from health anxiety so we're expecting bad news not good news and that's where we can go wrong.
I'm one of those who approach Doctor Google looking for the bit that says that although theoretically possible it's highly unlikely from a statistical point of view to be the worst scenario.
I stopped googling physical symptoms, because they always come up with fatal diseases. Lol it's like looking for what day your going to die