I went to the doctor yesterday for my random heart palpitations and chest pain. I got ekg done was told my heart was healthy. I still sometimes feel like I have shooting heart aches or random palpitations also back pain. I have to tell myself I'm okay. Anyone else taking alprazolam or xanax how do you guys feel on the meds? I have my first appointment next week to see a therapist I hope it helps.
Dr. Visit for palpitations - Anxiety and Depre...
Dr. Visit for palpitations

Have you had your iron and hemoglobin levels checked? Low iron cause palpitations too.

Yes when I went to Er they did chest xray blood work. ♡
Gigi84, when you have had a complete cardiac workup and it's found that your heart is okay, then we have to look into something else causing your distress. Anxiety can cause these obscure symptoms making you feel that it is coming from your heart when possibly coming from your tight, tense chest wall muscles. That in itself would give you the random chest pain. As for the heart palps, first of all anxiety produces more adrenaline which causes irregular heart beats but so does not being fully hydrated. The heart and the body's muscles need water in order to work properly.
As for the Xanax and/or Alprazolam, both are excellent drugs in reducing anxiety as well as being used for muscle relaxant. The feeling for me was peace, calm and tiredness. Good luck with the appointment with your therapist next week. Addressing the root of the anxiety can sometimes help alleviate the symptoms along with using relaxation methods and deep breathing. See what your therapist suggests. Wishing you well xx
Thank you so much♡ I've never been to therapy but hopefully it will help get my anxiety under control.
Gigi, I never would have found myself if it weren't for therapy. It takes work, it's more than just listening to what they have to say. It's got to be a 2 way street with the patient actively involved with the suggestions of the therapist. In this way, we move forward...small steps at first and then one day, everything makes sense, the cloud is lifted and you are able to find your way again.
Stay positive and believe that you will get better. xx
I do. But only on occasions when I can’t get a handle on it otherwise. They do help. Good job taking care of yourself by getting it checked out by a doctor first!
I don't take the medication you are on and I have experienced these issues. Found breathing techniques help calm the feelings as they usually happened leading up to a panic attack.
Take care.