A lot have happened on here recently. I came here for support and to speak whatever crazy thoughts that come in my head. This isn't a place to talk privately about other members or form cliques to bully another, which is exactly what happened weeks ago. I didn't know adults were that two faced and hypocrites. Hopefully i don't grow up to be like some of you here
Leaving the site: A lot have happened... - Anxiety and Depre...
Leaving the site
I just got here, should i take my leave
Welcome, there are some great members on here, just be careful

I'm sorry to see you leave "youhad" but understand your reasons. You're absolutely right in that this isn't the place to talk about other members in putting them down. This is suppose to be a safe place to come to and talk with others about our emotional issues. If we lose that, then we no longer have a support forum. I hear you bitterness in what has happened but hope that you might have learned a lesson that life isn't always kind. We all have choices to make in life. I hope the experience you had will not hinder you in making the right choices and respect people that you meet along the way .
Stay well, stay safe and be kind. x
This is heartbreaking for me, i thought i finally found a place besides my therapist to actually speak my mind and now it's ruined. These are adults i thought they were better than people my age that i deal with everyday. Guess not
Please do what is best for you, but know that a tinge of adversity is reality. You may want to stay and learn more about yourself.
Not that kind of adversity that ruined my hope in adults. I could have just stayed on Facebook and Instagram if i wanted to deal with things like this

It is best to not put your hope in the hands of those that you do not know. Find out how you can trust in yourself and this type of thing will pass you by. If a few in a group do not meet your expectations, focus on those that do. Never play into the hand of a fool.
Thank you. This whole thing have been an eye opener
I am new here saw your post and it made feel let down if you want to talk well I want to talk as well so if you would please give me a chance to have a conversation about whatever is on our minds. I need someone to vent to and would in return be the one to be vented to I do not care about differences I just want to feel like the only thing that matters is we are all important no matter how we may be different from each other
Im sorry, im basically at the door on my way out of this site. Im sorry my post made you feel let down, there are great people here trust me.
I selfishly hope you stay, too. The site is made better by caring people but has something to lose if we lose such people. But it is true that, as others have said - you have to do what is best for you. I wish you everything good no matter what you decide. 🌸
It saddens me to see this.
I’m sorry for how you feel
There are some lovely people on here, and I’m sure they outweigh the ones that aren’t so nice.
I really feel we should report any activity that is bullying or not nice via the report button available to us. Let admin do their job, I’m sure they will keep us protected wherever possible.
It would help others and would stop it happening as I’m sure admin would deal with anything inappropriate.
It would nip it in the bud and hopefully keep controversial and worrying comments off the main forum...
I wish you well and would love you to stick around as it sounds like this site could help and support you
I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience on this sight. There are a A-- H---- every where and this sight is no exception.The majoriety are good people that are posting to help themselves and hopefully others. Other people opions are not important and you don't have to let them rule what you do or think. If they make you feel bad you don't need them ! If you decide to leave, that's okay ,you will have made the choice that feels best for you. Sending you a great big hug!!!!