I want to take Trazodone but am afraid to take it
Do anybody take Trazodone : I want to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Do anybody take Trazodone

I take it for sleep, it helps me. Just can give u vivid dreams is all. For me anyways...
I heard is for depression too my psychiatrist want me to take 200mg at night and I heard u still be drowsy the next morning so u don’t have any side effects
How many mg of Trazodone u take
Usually 100mg. I have to make sure I get 8hrs or I'd be drowsy. Lol
What they diagnosed you with? And what medication u on? I was on Prozac but had terrible side effects and had to stop it I wanted to go to the hospital to do inpatient but am afraid to stay am waiting to see my psychiatrist for a medication change
Major depressive disorder w/o psychosis
Suicidal thoughts
Cymbalta, abilify and trazodone
I was scared too but my therapist Baker acted me so didn't have an option, but I knew I needed it...
Man I thought I was the only one, vivid dreams is such an accurate statement, I actually enjoy them though..
Why do u enjoy vivid dreams? I was having dreams with Prozac
Because I can easily manipulate my dream world to my own liking... I'm not sure why I enjoy it, I just feel like what's in there is what's in your head. Gives me a broader picture.
Im taking it to sleep at night 1 hour before bed... what's so scary about it?
How much u take my psychiatrist want me to take 200mg at night and I never took it because I heard u still be drowsy the next day and I heard is for depression
only taking 50MG to help me sleep. but my desk if full of scripts it's a serotonin inhubutor and serotonin is the enzyme that triggers your fight or flight (anxiety, depression panic) it's a tranquelizer, don't be afraid, maybe take 200mg tonight, try to get atleast 8 hours of sleep so take it knowing you will need atleast 8 hours , and cut it in half, or reduce the MG you intake. I'm not suffering from depression it was given to me for anxiety along with Zoloft, but that's for the mornings.
So u take it to help u with sleep? Am going to have to try it because am tired 😴 of not getting no sleep and it says it haves with depression and since am not taking nothing for depression probably I would try it did u have any side effects so u only struggle with anxiety? Hope things get better for u
Um well I lost my finger on october 6th, so might be a little bit of post traumatic stress, I was scared I had pancreatic cancer because of googling for two years, and suffering with GI issues. One night a week after my accident and surgery, something just snapped inside my head and I became fully hysterically scared of having cancer, or having some kind of stomach/colon issue causing my GI issues . I hadn't had a bowel for a week and I was constantly constipated, always had stomach aches acid re-flux, so i admitted myself to a hospital because I believed that's what was triggering my anxiety/panic attacks. I'm perfectly healthy colonoscopy and biopsy where impeccable.. my transitional care doctor is helping me understand the root cause of my anxiety, and my GI issues, but she says they go hand in hand, I start counseling next week. I will further understand what's going on inside my mind...
and as far as side effects, no, not really, just make sure you have enough hours to fully rest, some people say they wake up drowsy, I didn't really feel that. I was well rested and when im anxious theirs is no chance im falling asleep lol. I take Zoloft for anxiety and 50mg of the trazeDone to sleep at night, but they both are Serotonin inhibutors, so they belong to the same class of drug.
Oh no am sorry to hear that my so found out he has Crohn’s disease before his 18th birthday and he have been very sick and he been talking about giving up because he’s tired of being and pain he’s 19 and only weight 84 lbs it breaks my heart to see him like that and he struggling everyday because of the pain and cramps and low blood pressure and weakness and etc I hope u get better soon and am trying to get better so I can take care of my son he live by hisself for a peace of mind
they believed in the hospital I had IBS or crohn's but I was never diagnosed, the stomach pains and cramps and inability to eat I can completely relate too even with the constipation hes getting, I totally understand... Zoloft has helped a lot to relieve the anxiety, which is a trigger for GI issues. they go hand in hand.
I guess 50 mg of Trazodone want hurt me I probably really need it because am sensitive to medication and I just want to see what the 50 mg will do first
it will take about an hour to kick in, so prepare yourself to be asleep within the hour... also make sure you have enough free hours in the am to sleep those 8 hours minimum so you're not drowsy. I will check in on you tomorrow and see how it worked out for you, don't be scared, you need rest, without rest you cant properly take care of yourself.
I started it 3 nights ago. After a week cold turkey from fluoxetine (taken for a few months). Absolutely feel like crap. I took a couple of days leave just in case I had side effects. OMG am I. Not helping me sleep at night, which was the point. Constantly feel exhausted, heavy, disoriented, like I’m drunk enough to fall asleep in the middle of the street drunk, like I have the flu, acke all over, walk-into things, zombie. Spent last couple of days laying on the sofa. Last night when I went to go to bed, I felt weird and passed out on the kitchen floor. I fully expect side effects. But this is ridiculous!
If it doesn’t improve I will have to call in sick and try and get a doctors appointment on Monday to explore changing.
I have insomnia which has led to depression
I was on this for a short time.. like a week.
It is an anti depressant and helps with sleep.
I was walking around like a zombie the next day.
I have taken trazodone in the past. I only take it at night to help with sleep.